About us
Kooperation international is part of the Federal Government's strategy for the internationalisation of science and research, which is coordinated by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The portal provides information on international research, innovation and cooperation and networks funding, research and educational organisations. Here you will find information on the mission, services and operators of the platform as well as contact details.
About us
Our Service
Kooperation international provides
- an overview of the national research and innovation systems and the variety of international cooperations in research, knowledge and innovation;
- an online portal for those seeking or offering information;
- a networking platform for German funding, research, education, and intermediary organisations;
- incentives for education and research organisations as well as companies to start or intensify international cooperation;
- information on the implementation of the internationalisation strategy.
Kooperation international offers
guidance on selected countries and topics:
- national and regional potential and actors in the field of education, research and innovation;
- strategic developments in research, technology, and educational policies;
- the legal framework for international cooperation;
- important bi- and multilateral programmes and successful cooperation projects;
- funding opportunities and contacts for international cooperation, as well as
- events and deadlines with relevance for cooperation in education, research or innovation.
On behalf of
Contact us
This portal is jointly operated by:
German Aerospace Center, DLR Projektträger
European and International Cooperation
Heinrich-Konen-Str. 1
53227 Bonn
Dr. Simone Weske
Email: simone.weske(at)dlr.de
phone: +49 228 3821 1822
VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH
Innovation and Education
VDI-Platz 1
40468 Düsseldorf
Dr. Andreas Ratajczak
e-mail: ratajczak(at)vdi.de
phone: +49 211 6214 -494
Please contact us via email: info(at)kooperation-international.de
Link to our website
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