In 2024, Germany and India commemorate 50 years of successful and trusting scientific and technological cooperation. In 1974, the governments of both countries signed the Agreement on Cooperation in Scientific Research and Technological Development (1974).
Scientific and technological cooperation (STC) is one of the important future fields of Indo-German relations firmly embedded within the framework of the strategic partnership between the two countries.
The good relations that have developed over the past 50 years and beyond are reflected in a large number of activities and individual agreements between German and Indian research institutions and intermediary organizations as well as in numerous Indo-German networks.
This page serves to acknowledge established partnerships, initiatives, and programs but also to showcase the vibrant landscape of ongoing cooperation in various scientific domains. Through a multitude of events, the present-day German-Indian collaboration across scientific areas is vividly depicted, underscoring the depth and breadth of mutual engagement and exchange.
Events and Activities
Event for the celebration of 50 years of Indo-German cooperation in science and technology

24. October 2024
The Indo-German Science and Technology Centre organised an event to showcase and celebrate the multifaceted and strong collaboration between India and Germany. In addition to an IGSTC session with Union Minister Dr Jitendra Singh and German Federal Minister Bettina Stark-Watzinger, numerous successful projects from IGSTC programmes were also presented as part of an exhibition.
IGSTC 2+2 Call 2024: funding of 2+2 projects on "Artificial Intelligence for Sustainability"

16. May 2024
Germany and India have jointly acknowledged the pivotal role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a cornerstone technology, with both nations having strong capabilities in this area. To foster collaboration in this critical area, a funding announcement has been published to support bilateral Research and Development (R&D) initiatives focusing on "Artificial Intelligence for Sustainability."
Administered under the Indo-German Science and Technology Centre (IGSTC), this call is designed to facilitate cooperation between academic and industrial partners from both Germany and India. The overarching goal of the IGSTC is to foster collaborative efforts in industrial research and experimental development, thereby advancing shared interests and objectives in the realm of technological innovation.
Deadline for submitting First Stage Proposals: 16 May 2024
CISPA Summer Voluntary Internship Program

01. May – 31. August 2024
The CISPA Summer Internship Programme is primarily aimed at highly qualified students from IIIT-Delhi and IIT-Kharagpur in India and the Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS) in Pakistan. The programme is also open to students from other universities in the South Asian region. Selected interns are given the opportunity to work on research projects at CISPA for a period of eight to twelve weeks. Participants not only take back home the knowledge they have acquired, but also a network of German and international scientists.
IGCS Summer School 2024: Regenerative Urban Futures – Circular Economies and Societies,

Deadline: 17 April 2024, 07:00 pm CET
The Indo-German Centre for Sustainability (IGCS) Summer School 2024 on “Regenerative Urban Futures – CircularEconomies and Societies” will be organized by RWTH Aachen University and the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras in Germany. During the IGCS Summer School, university students from India and Germany will collectively explore place-specific socio-economic conditions and development interdependencies that matter for achieving more circularity especially in urban areas. Cities offer important assets and actors for circular approaches, yet also concentrate lots of resource consuming and waste producing activities. The Summer School lecture program and interactive workshops will provide ample opportunities for mutual learning on economic as well as societal facets of circularity.

28 May 2024
In the 3rd edition of this format, explore the Indian and German research landscape further, expand your network, dive into discourse of international research cooperation and policy, and discover opportunities for mobility funding for your research stays and projects across disciplines. Meet 20+ research institutions, universities, funding bodies and international agencies and take your research career and international research cooperation forward.
Modern India in German Archives, 1706-1989 (MIDA), ongoing (2014-2026)

The richness of the holdings of German archives on the history of modern India has so far been as insufficiently recognized as the scholarly potential that lies dormant in them. On the one hand, their research can open up perspectives for international historical studies of India that have so far been largely obscured by an excessive fixation on British colonial archives. On the other hand, these largely untapped resources enable the reconstruction of Indo-German interdependence since the 18th century and thus the formulation of innovative comparative and global historical questions. The double expansion of research perspectives that is thus possible can also create new opportunities for intensifying communication and cooperation between historiographical traditions in India and Germany, which have so far hardly been aware of each other.
Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient: The Sound of Friendship. Warm Wavelengths in a Cold, Cold War - Movie

The Sound of Friendship is a documentary film which tells the story of an international broadcasting station from the German Democratic Republic (GDR)– Radio Berlin International (RBI) and its Indian listening publics. Aired from the Funkhaus at Nalepastrasse in East Berlin from 1967 to 1990, the station's Hindi programme catered to thousands of listeners in rural and semi-urban India. The film recounts the perspectives of East German/Indian presenters, behind microphones, and listeners behind the radio sets. It takes viewers from locales in Berlin to Madhepura, Bihar where we trace the trajectory of one of RBI’s listeners’ clubs from the 1980s called the ‘Lenin Club’.
Max Planck India Mobility Grants, open call

Highly qualified Indian scientists from all Indian research institutions and universities who are in their final year of doctoral studies or have completed their doctorate not more than ten years ago are eligible to be nominated for this fellowship.
Highlights of the collaboration
European and International Cooperation
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European and International Cooperation
Telephone number:+49 228 3821 1442 Send message
European and International Cooperation
Telephone number:+49 228 3821 1473 Send message
IGSTC Secretariat Ground Floor, Block – II, Technology Bhavan,
New Mehrauli Road, New Delhi – 110016, India
Telephone number:+91-011 26543500