Highlights of the collaboration
Indo-German Science and Technology Centre

The Indo-German Science & Technology Centre (IGSTC) was established to facilitate Indo-German R&D networking through substantive activities between academia/research and industry to promote innovation for overall economic and social development in both countries. The programmatic focus of the IGSTC is the promotion of application-oriented research projects (2+2). IGSTC also serves as a platform for the development of bilateral networks. To this end, the centre organises workshops and conferences and promotes the exchange of scientists.
The founding of the IGSTC was decided in 2007 and realised in 2010. The centre is funded by the German Federal Ministry and Education and Research and the Indian Department of Science and Technology (DST). The office in India is located on the premises of the DST and currently employs ten people. The German office is currently located at the DLR Project Management Organisation.
FAIR – The Universe in the Lab

The new international accelerator centre FAIR, one of the largest research projects in the world, is currently under construction in Darmstadt. FAIR will be used to create and research matter in the laboratory in a way that is otherwise only found in the universe. Researchers from all over the world expect to gain new insights into the structure of matter and the development of the universe, from the Big Bang to the present day.
The FAIR project is being realised in an international collaboration. To this end, international scientific and technical institutes from the partner countries and many other partner countries are co-operating. India is one of the partners of FAIR.
The Indo-German Centre for Sustainability

The Indo-German Centre for Sustainability - IGCS, was opened in 2010 at the Indian Institute of Technology Madras in Chennai, on the initiative of the German and Indian governments. Interdisciplinary research and academic Indo-German exchange are two of the key features of the IGCS. Research focuses on sustainability issues such as water, land use, urban development, energy and waste management. The focus is on coastal protection in times of climate change. The centre not only serves as a platform for research, it is also an educational institution for students, doctoral candidates and scientists as well as a hub for further networking on the topic of sustainability.
The German Centre for Research and Innovation (DWIH)

The German House for Research and Innovation (DWIH) New Delhi is an association of 20 German research organisations, universities, funding institutions and research-based companies. It is part of a global network of six centres, which is managed by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and funded by the Federal Foreign Office of Germany. The DWIH New Delhi provides information on the German research landscape in India and supports access to the Indian research and innovation ecosystem. It is a platform for exchange and networking between the Indian and German scientific community and other stakeholders in research and innovation from all research areas.
European and International Cooperation
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European and International Cooperation
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European and International Cooperation
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IGSTC Secretariat Ground Floor, Block – II, Technology Bhavan,
New Mehrauli Road, New Delhi – 110016, India
Telefonnummer:+91-011 26543500