EventsTASK Training Course IPV: Application and evaluation of Integral Pumping Tests (IPTs) with the software CSTREAM

TASK Training Course IPV: Application and evaluation of Integral Pumping Tests (IPTs) with the software CSTREAM

Duration: 11.04.2011 - 12.04.2011 City: Frankfurt am Main

The Terra-, Aqua- and Site Remediation Centre of Competence Leipzig - TASK promotes the national and international transfer of innovative technologies and concepts in the fields of soil, groundwater remediation and site revitalization. The new update “conditioning with point concentrations” for the IPT evaluation software CSTREAM is now ready for use. Due to this new update, TASK cordially invites you to attend a training course with the following IPT experts:

  • Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Ptak (University Göttingen)
  • Dr. Marti Bayer-Raich (Amphos 21 Consulting S.L., Barcelona)
  • Dr. Sebastian Leschik (Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ, Leipzig)

Course contents
The course offers an introduction to the dimensioning, operation and evaluation of IPTs. The main focus is on the analytical and numerical evaluation with the software CSTREAM. On the basis of typical application examples, the participant will be introduced step by step to the IPT evaluation.
The course materials contain the software CSTREAM (including the update for the conditioning of IPT results with point concentrations) for further utilization.

Address: Venue: Baseler Str. 50 60329 Frankfurt am Main Contact: Permoserstraße 15 04318 Leipzig Germany Phone: +49 341 235-1266 Editor Countries / organization: Germany Global Topic: Vocational Education and Training Environment & Sustainability


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