News25 Presidents from Arab universities will visit TU Chemnitz

25 Presidents from Arab universities will visit TU Chemnitz

TU Chemnitz is hosting the “1st German-Arab Network Meeting” from 26-28 October 2014 – Further strengthening of the collaboration between the Science Region Chemnitz and the Arab region. The guests will arrive from Egypt, Palestine, Iraq, Jordan, Bahrain, Yemen, Lebanon, Sudan, Kingdom of Saudi-Arabia, Syria and the United Arab Emirates. They will be accompanied by five representatives of the Association of Arab Universities.

„The Arab region is undergoing a dynamic development in politics, economy, science and society“. Prof. Dr. Heinrich Lang, Vice-Rector for Research and Promotion of Young Scientists of Technische Universität Chemnitz: “For this reason TU Chemnitz aims at strategically enlarging its academic network in this region.” Already existing partnerships with the Tunesian University of Sfax as well as the University of Jordan at Amman shall be complemented by further prospective collaborations. In this context, Technische Universität Chemnitz is looking forward to welcome 25 Presidents of universities from the Arab region from 26th to 28th October 2014. The guests will arrive from Egypt, Palestine, Iraq, Jordan, Bahrain, Yemen, Lebanon, Sudan, Kingdom of Saudi-Arabia, Syria and the United Arab Emirates. They will be accompanied by five representatives of the Association of Arab Universities.

In addition to the TU Chemnitz the City of Chemnitz, extramural research institutions, companies and the Universities of Applied Sciences Mittweida and Zwickau will participate in this meeting. The schedule includes visits and meetings with scientists from TU Chemnitz, especially on the sector of science and engineering. During visits of laboratories and testing facilities of the Faculties of Mechanical Engineering, of Natural Sciences, of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, of Computer Science as well as of Behavioral and Social Sciences, the university presidents will get to know the crucial topics characterizing research and teaching at TU Chemnitz today. The guests will also visit the research institutions in close neighborhood to the university including the Affiliated Institutes of TU Chemnitz and both Fraunhofer Institutes IWU and ENAS. Industrial partners on the Smart Systems Campus and local manufacturing industry will provide an insight into Saxon economy. The City of Chemnitz will be presented as an internationally attractive location during a guided city tour.

„The meeting will focus on the discussion about opportunities for future cooperation. TU Chemnitz is interested in partners corresponding to the university profile “Smart Systems and Materials”, “Energy-efficient Production Processes” as well as “Human Factors in Technology”, Prof. Lang explains. The objective is, inter alia, to explore the possibilities for the establishment of double degree programs, especially in the STEM-subjects mathematics, computer science, natural sciences and engineering. Furthermore, the exchange of students for Master degree programs as well as for PhD-projects will be encouraged.

Further information is provided by Prof. Dr. Heinrich Lang, Phone +49 371 531-10031, Email prorektor.forschung(at)

Source: Technische Universität Chemnitz / IDW Nachrichten Editor Countries / organization: other Countries Egypt Iraq Jordan Lebanon Palestinian Territories Saudi Arabia Syria Tunisia United Arab Emirates Topic: Higher Education


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