NewsBILAT USA 2.0 has started

BILAT USA 2.0 has started

BILAT USA 2.0 is the successor project of BILAT USA and will continue to further enhance and support the research and innovation cooperation between the European Union and the USA. By means of different analytical studies, reports and workshops with feedback from researchers and innovation actors, the project will support the science, technology and innovation (STI) dialogue and give recommendations for the policy dialogue to main political bodies.

The "EU-US Agreement for Scientific and Technological Cooperation" that was originally signed in 1998, renewed in 2004 and 2009 builds the basis for the transatlantic Science and Technology Cooperation.

The project consortium consists of 13 partners. The German Aerospace Center (DLR) coordinates the project.

  • DLR – Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (Germany)
  • FFG – Oesterreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft (Austria)
  • inno TSD (France)
  • Biocat (Spain)
  • AKA – Suomen Akatemia (Finland)
  • Intrasoft International (Luxembourg)
  • RCN – Norges Forskningsrad (Research Council Norway)
  • IPPT-PAN – Instytut Podstawowych Problemow Techniki Polskiej Akademii Nauk (Poland)
  • Tubitak – Turkiye Bilimsel Ve teknolojik Arastirma Kurumu (Turkey)
  • Diplomacy Matters (USA)
  • FIU – Florida International University (USA)
  • NCURA – National Council of University Research Administrators (USA)
  • CTR – Johns Hopkins University (USA)

Work Packages

BILAT-USA 2.0 will stimulate bilateral cooperation between the USA and the European Research Area (ERA) and increase the value of outcomes from this cooperation. The project will be developed across the following six work packages that will be carried out simultaneously. The advantage of this approach is that all project partners will be involved during the whole project’s lifetime which will lead to a high interaction between the partners and ensure the creation of synergies between the work packages

  • WP1: Supporting the EU-US STI policy dialogue
    Objectives: Coordination with main bodies on policy level (e.g. JCG, SFIC) and with different initiatives and programs targeting the USA, creation of synergies and harmonization of activities towards the USA, giving recommendations coming from researchers and innovation actors
  • WP2: Raising awareness about research and innovation opportunities
    Objectives: Data collection and monitoring concerning mutual participation in European and US-American funding programs (US-participation in European FP and European participation in US funding programs), trainings on funding possibilities
  • WP3: Fostering innovation partnerships
    Objectives: Creation of a relevant database and analysis concerning the framework conditions for innovation in the USA, differences between the two systems, key innovation stakeholders will be brought together in a number of workshops
  • WP4: Enhancing EU-US research partnerships
    Objective: Implementation of different workshops bringing researchers from both sides of the Atlantic together. The workshops will deal with thematic areas as well as horizontal themes, e.g. specific problems when it comes to transatlantic cooperation WP5: Communicating and disseminating information
    Objective: Effective dissemination of project results via the website, event attendance and other dissemination channels
  • WP6: Managing the project
    Objective: professional management of all activities and quality assurance during the project’s lifetime.

BILAT USA 2.0 Kick-off Meeting

The project kick-off meeting took place in Washington D.C. from 7-8 November 2012 with all project partners and some representatives from the EU-Delegation in Washington. Here, the consortium came together in order to present the global concept and get a common understanding of the project. The individual steps in order to reach the results could be clarified by presenting an internal project handbook that had been established prior to the meeting.

Further, BILAT USA 2.0 and the last open calls in FP7 were presented to different US American research administrators during a session at the NCURA Annual Meeting. The Q&A during this session could contribute to the better understanding of the project and opportunities for US American researchers.

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