NewsDAAD and DLR successful in attracting international research talent: Joint Research Fellowship Programme awards 500th scholarship

DAAD and DLR successful in attracting international research talent: Joint Research Fellowship Programme awards 500th scholarship

Since 2008, the German Aerospace Centre (DLR) and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) have been bringing excellent doctoral students and post-docs to Germany for research stays. The 500th scholarship has now been awarded in the joint "DLR-DAAD Research Fellowship Programme".

In the programme, DLR and DAAD recruit excellent international doctoral students and post-docs for longer-term research stays in Germany. Most of the recipients then work for around 36 months at one of the 55 DLR institutes. They receive a DAAD scholarship and conduct research on topics such as materials physics in space, flight guidance, transport systems technology, wind energy or solar research. The research areas of earth observation, high-frequency technology and radar systems are particularly popular with scholarship holders.

DAAD President Prof. Dr Joybrato Mukherjee commented:

"The joint programme with the German Aerospace Center is a small and at the same time important building block in the success story of the internationalisation of German science. We support international researchers in the early stages of their careers with stays at DLR institutes with strong research capabilities, often attracting outstanding young talent to Germany as a centre of science. In times of a shortage of skilled workers, which is also increasingly affecting science, the programme also contributes to securing Germany's research strength."

DLR Executive Board Chairwoman Prof. Dr Anke Kaysser-Pyzalla also provided a statement: 

"Many guest scientists on the programme remain with DLR as employees after completing their scholarship. The programme therefore not only promotes the academic qualifications of the participants, but also makes a valuable contribution to DLR's research activities and human resources. It also has a long-term component, as scholarship holders who leave Germany after the end of the programme remain closely associated with Germany and its science. Research and development thrive on the exchange of perspectives. The joint programme of the DAAD and DLR proves this time and again."

In addition to longer stays for doctoral students and post-docs, the programme also offers shorter stays for experienced researchers. Since 2023, there has also been a funding line for early career researchers as part of their Master's thesis. To date, the programme has funded scholarship holders from over 70 countries, 30 per cent of whom were women. Most of the scholarship holders to date have come from countries including India, Italy and Brazil.

Source: DAAD Editor by Julia Arning, VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH Countries / organization: Global Topic: Higher Education Energy Engineering and Production Funding Physical/Chemical Technologies


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