NewsECHORD++ Robotics Innovation Facilities (RIFs): Access to high-tech robotic equipment and expertise

ECHORD++ Robotics Innovation Facilities (RIFs): Access to high-tech robotic equipment and expertise

New video offers an insight into the Robotics Innovation Facilities, their technical equipment, application domains and services.

The new corporate video on the ECHORD++ YouTube channel shows what Robotics Innovation Facilities can do:

The Robotics Innovation Facilities, or RIFs in short, are robotic labs, financed via the ECHORD++ project by the European Commission. They offer access to high-tech robotic equipment and expertise at zero risk: using the RIF is not only free of charge, they also safeguard their users’ intellectual property. Every company, institution or research organisation can apply for a RIF engagement, no matter which area they come from and whether they already have robotics experience or not. The application process is simple, by just filling in the online application form:

The three RIFs within the ECHORD++ project are located in UK, France and Italy:

RIF@Bristol, United Kingdom

The Bristol Robotics Laboratory is a joint lab of the University of the West of England (UWE, Bristol) and the University of Bristol, and is the largest academic centre for multi-disciplinary robotics research in the UK
360° Lab Tour:

RIF@Paris-Saclay, France

The Interactive Robotics Laboratory in Saclay is located within the premises of CEA LIST, about 20km southwestern from Paris.
360° Lab Tour available soon

RIF@Pisa-Peccioli, Italy

The BioRobotics Institute is a research park created by Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna to house the research activities of outdoor and indoor settings. It is located at the Polo Sant’Anna Valdera, near Pisa.
360° Lab Tour:

About ECHORD++ (The European Coordination Hub for Open Robotics Development)

The aim of ECHORD++ is to strengthen the knowledge transfer between scientific research, industry and users in robotics and to stimulate their cooperation. The EU-funded project with a runtime of five years (2013 – 2018) funds small-scale research projects called experiments, Public end-user Driven Technological Innovation (PDTI) and established Robotics Innovation Facilities (RIFs), open labs which provide state-of-the-art robotic hardware and software as well as scientific and technical support.

Source: The European Coordination Hub for Open Robotics Development Editor by Sebastian Weisenburger Countries / organization: EU France Italy United Kingdom Topic: Engineering and Production Innovation


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