NewsEnhancement of Funding Opportunities for Joint Sino-German Research Projects

Enhancement of Funding Opportunities for Joint Sino-German Research Projects

The Sino-German Centre for Research Promotion (SGC) is a joint venture between the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC). It fosters scientific cooperation between China and Germany in the natural, life, management and engineering sciences by various funding programmes.

By funding joint Sino-German research projects the SGC has provided a funding opportunity for medium-term bilateral cooperation between scientists of both countries. However, interest in joint research projects has rapidly increased during the last years. To allow funding of a larger number of excellent projects based on a jointly developed specific research approach the processing of Sino-German research projects will be transferred to the head offices of NSFC and DFG. The SGC will sharpen its priorities on the initiation of collaborative relationships between scientists in China and Germany.

This gives rise to the following modifications:

  • Scientists of both countries having already prepared a proposal for a joint research project according to the Sino-German Centre’s formal requirements may still submit it at the SGC by 30 June 2016.
  • As of 2017 joint Sino-German research projects may be submitted directly to NSFC and DFG in annual, open-topic joint calls. The first call will be launched at the beginning of January 2017 in the natural, life, management and engineering sciences; provisional deadline will be on 5 April 2017.
  • The obligation to cooperate for scientists working at non-university research institutes in Germany is ineffective until further notice. Similarly to the previous funding opportunities provided by the Sino-German Centre, scientists working at non-university research institutes in Germany will be eligible to apply for a research project in the joint open-topic call 2017.
  • The current eligibility restriction for a joint research project to only those scientists who already received previous funding by the Sino-German Centre (for example as a SGC-supported participant of a workshop or as a SGC-supported lecturer of a summer school) will cease to apply as of 1 January 2017.

Contact information for joint Sino-German research projects:

Dr. Wolfgang Wachter
Phone: +49 228 885-2454
Mail: wolfgang.wachter(at)

Claudia Bordach
Phone: +49 228 885-2542
Mail: claudia.bordach(at)

Contact information for the funding programmes of the Sino-German Centre:

Zhao Miaogen
Phone: +49 228 885-4801
Mail: zhao(at)

Raoul Wagner
Phone: +49 228 885-4808
Mail: raoul.wagner(at)

Source: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG Editor Countries / organization: China Germany Topic: Funding

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