NewsERA-NET SAF€RA: Value and resilience in Industrial Safety - 12 transnational European projects receive funding

ERA-NET SAF€RA: Value and resilience in Industrial Safety - 12 transnational European projects receive funding

SAF€RA partners fund 12 transnational European research projects in industrial safety. They focus on human and organizational factors including the value of industrial safety.

SAF€RA’s 2013 joint call on Human and organizational factors including the value of industrial safety addressed two topics:

  • T1: The value of safety and safety values
  • T2: Resilience: improving management of safety

A web-based matchmaking facility was available and helped researchers wishing to submit projects as a transnational consortium. Also single-organization proposals, accepting the principle of proposed collaboration with one or more other organizations, were allowed. The total available budget was 3.4 M€. 53 applications were received. The sum of the budgets requested was 9.44 M€. The requested funding per project ranged between 7 and 817 k€, with an average of 178k€. The average consortium size was 2.4 partners (range between 1 and 5). Applications came from 20 countries. The organizations are located primarily in Spain (24), Finland (22), Italy (17), France (14) and Norway (12). Twelve of the 53 proposals will be funded at the national/regional level, five on the topic "The value of safety and safety values" (T1), and seven on the topic "Resilience: improving management of safety". In the following you find project titles and further details.

Projects funded in the 2013 call

  1. Exploring contributions of civil society to safety (ECCSSafe)
    Coordinator: Mutadis, France, T1
  2. Leadership on safety culture as a key factor for improving contractors management
    Coordinator: i+3 Consultores, Spain, T1
  3. Safety Preferences for Health-related Industrial Risks (SAPHIR)
    Coordinator: Toulouse School of Economics, France, T1
  4. Socio Technical safety Assessment within Risk Regulation Regimes (STARS)
    Coordinator: VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Finland, T1
  5. Value of Safety (VaLoSa)
    Coordinator: Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, Finland, T1
  6. Design and development of a simulation tool for decision making in the management of health and safety based on Resilience Engineering, to promote a safety culture change process in MSW treatment companies (ASSESS-RE-TOOL)
    Coordinator: LIMASA, Spain
    in collaboration with project 7 (brought together by SAF€RA match-making process)
  7. Improving resilience in waste transports
    Coordinator: Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, Finland, T2
  8. Development and validation of a KPI-based method and a user-friendly software tool for resilience-focused measurement of OSH management system performance (KPI-OSH-Tool)
    Coordinator: CIOP-PIB, Poland, T2 
  9. How to become a resilient organization manager
    Coordinator: Institute for an Industrial Safey Culture, France
    in collaboration with project 10 (brought together by SAF€RA match-making process)
  10. Promoting Safety as an emergent property of a resilient system
    Coordinator: University of Genova, Italy, T2
  11. Success in the face of uncertainty: human resilience and the accident bow-tie,
    Coordinator: White Queen BV, the Netherlands, T2
  12. Training for Operational Resilience Capabilities (TORC)
    Coordinator: SINTEF, Norway, T2

More information on the research projects will be made available in the SAF€RA project database. The access is via the SAF€RA call website (see link above).

Source: SAF€RA Editor Countries / organization: EU Topic: Physical/Chemical Technologies Security Environment & Sustainability Ethical Issues and Society Funding

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