NewsEU-funded project - EU-LAC Health

EU-funded project - EU-LAC Health

EU-LAC HEALTH is a five-year project, financed by the European Commission (EC) within the 7th Framework Programme (FP7).

Project Aims

The objective of EU-LAC Health is to develop a roadmap that will intensify the bi-regional collaboration between the EU, Latin America and the Caribbean in the area of health research. This roadmap will compile the results of different, extensive dialogs between policy-makers, experts, representatives of R&D-funding bodies as well as active scientists and researchers and it will provide information on how to best coordinate health research projects between the two regions. Further, it is intended to assist policy makers and other actors with the development of future actions and joint health research initiatives.

Activities within the EU-LAC Health project are divided into six work packages (WP):

  • WP1: State of Play Analysis 
  • WP2: Operational Roadmapping
  • WP3: Roadmap Consultation and Validation
  • WP4: EU-LAC Health R&D Coordination
  • WP5: External Relations, Disseminiation, Evaluation and Policy Dialogue
  • WP6: Management

Project Partners 

The project is implemented by a consortium of eight different partners. Next to the project coordinator from Spain, partners from Switzerland, Germany, Italy, Argentina, Brazil and Costa Rica are represented: 

  • Spain: Institute of Health Carlos III, Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (ISCIII) - (coordination)
  • Argentina: Ministry of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation (MINCyT)
  • Brazil: Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ)
  • Costa Rica: Ibero-American network of learning and research in health, Ministry of Health (RIMAIS)
  • Germany: Project Management Agency of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (DLR)
  • Italy: Agency for Research Promotion (APRE)
  • Spain: Society for the Promotion of technological Innovation (INNOVATEC)
  • Switzerland: Council on Health Research for Development (COHRED)
  • France: Institut national de la santé et de la recherche médicale (Inserm)
  • Mexico: The National Institute of Medical Science and Nutrition Salvador Zubiran (INCMNSZ)


The larger implementation conference was a clear highlight in this WP and in the whole project. It contributed mainly to the project aim of informing a wider audience (incl. policy-makers, relevant initiatives, projects and other stakeholders from the EU and CELAC region and the generally interested public) of the work having been performed during the last 3.5 years in the project. The roadmap with its scientific part as well as governance proposition were presented, discussed and widely accepted by relevant stakeholders and the EC.

Further, an Expression of Interest (EoI) that was developed by ISCIII was presented to policy-makers in the restricted  and the following countries / unions signalled interest: Spain, Portugal, France, Israel, Finland, Romania, Costa Rica, Peru, Dominican Republic, Panama, Argentina, Brazil, Mexico and the Caribbean Community (CARICOM).

Planned activities

  • 2016: Three workshops, objectives: Implementation of the roadmap.
Editor Countries / organization: EU Mexico Costa Rica Ecuador Argentina Bolivia Brazil Chile Venezuela Paraguay Uruguay Nicaragua Topic:

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