Wasser succeeds Prof. Dr. Giuliano Augusti from Italy, who headed the organization since its founding in 2006. He is the Managing Director of the German Accreditation Agency for Study Programs in Engineering (ASIIN) and has been Vice President of ENAEE in the previous Administrative Council. His focus will be on fostering ENAEE’s visibility and political influence within the European Higher Education Area and beyond, promoting the significance of the “European Accredited Engineering Label” (“EUR-ACE”) as a vital instrument to foster academic and professional mobility for European engineers as well as increasing stakeholder involvement, in particular the European business community.
The General Assembly also elected its governing body, the Administrative Council (AC) under the new ENAEE Statutes/Bylaws, which foresee an increase of AC members from five to nine members. As members were elected: Mr. Dirk Bochar (FEANI – European Federation of National Engineering Associations); Prof. Dr. Claudio Borri (UNIFI, Italy) ; Mrs. Françoise Come (SEFI – European Society for Engineering Education); Mr. Denis McGrath (Engineers Ireland); Mr. Juhani Nokela (TEK, Finland); Dr. Ahmed Erbil Payzin (MÜDEK, Turkey); Prof. Dr. Yuri Pokholkov (AEER, Russia); Prof. Dr. Bernard Remaud (Comission des Titres d´Ingenieurs, France) ; Prof. Dr. Alfredo Squarzoni (CoPI, Italy).