NewsEuropean network for sustainable wood mobilisation launched

European network for sustainable wood mobilisation launched

The Horizon 2020 project ROSEWOOD seeks to facilitate the transfer of best practices and innovations in sustainable forest management, contributing to the sustainable mobilisation of wood in Europe. By establishing four Regional Wood Mobilisation Hubs in North, Central, East and South Europe, ROSEWOOD will create a network that connects regions and stakeholders from different parts of the forestry value chain. The goal is to unlock the potential of the wood sector and to enhance Europe’s Bio-economy in a sustainable way.Steinbeis 2i GmbH is coordinating the project and is responsible for the communication activities.

ROSEWOOD (European Network of Regions On SustainablE WOOD mobilization) started in February 2018 with the objective to build a transfer network on sustainable wood mobilisation. The four Wood Mobilisation Regional Hubs, created within the project, will provide a platform for regional and inter-European exchange of best-practices and innovations. Through connecting stakeholders from along the forestry value chain, the ROSEWOOD network will close existing knowledge gaps, foster the take-up of new ideas and create momentum for economic partnerships between different stakeholders and regions.

Europe is rich in wood; forests do not only cover a significant amount of the continent’s land area (43%), but are also an important economic asset in many regions. With a rising demand for energy from renewable resources, wood will grow to even greater significance to the European bio-economy. “In order to support forest owners and public authorities in their task of managing forests in an ecologically and economically viable manner, ROSEWOOD will assess current challenges of the sector and make available existing know-how and innovations for sustainable forestry development. The aim is to engage all relevant stakeholders of the wood value chain to facilitate the sharing of knowledge and expertise between European Regions”, explains Anthony Salingre, project coordinator of ROSEWOOD.

Over the course of the two-year project the ROSEWOOD partners first will analyse the needs and weaknesses of the sector in each involved region and identify corresponding solutions and innovative practices. Selected best practices will be provided on the ROSEWOOD website and stakeholder events, workshops and trainings that are organised at the Hub and at the European level will ensure best-practices are efficiently transferred.

In ROSEWOOD 15 Partners from Austria, Croatia, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, comprising regional authorities, regional wood clusters and research organisations have joined their forces to enhance sustainable and competitive forest management in Europe. Steinbeis 2i GmbH is coordinating the project and is responsible for the communication activities.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. 

Source: Steinbeis-Europa-Zentrum / IDW Nachrichten Editor by Tim Mörsch, VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH Countries / organization: EU Finland France Italy Croatia Austria Switzerland Slovenia Spain Topic: Environment & Sustainability


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