NewsExchanges and training opportunities for agricutural greenhouse gas researchers

Exchanges and training opportunities for agricutural greenhouse gas researchers

The Livestock Emissions & Abatement Research Network (LEARN) is an international research focused on improving the understanding of greenhouse gas emissions from livestock agriculture, established in November 2007.

The formation of the Global Research Alliance on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases in December 2009 further boosts the opportunities for research colbaboration, information sharing, and facilitation of discussion and face-to-face contact with researchers around the world.

In line with its vision for LEARN and in support of the goals and objectives of the Global Rsearch Alliance on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases, the New Zealand government has established three LEARN awards to provide training opportunities in New Zealand institutions for emerging scientists from developing countries to aquire skills in new/unfamiliar techniques and methods in livestock greenhouse gas emissions mitigation.

A fourth award, the Global Research Alliance Senior Scientist (GRASS) award will facilitate the exchange of knowledge bewteen researchers in New Zealand and researchers in Alliance member countries through the provision of funding for New Zealand researchers to travel overseas or overseas researchers from Alliance member countries to travel to New Zealand to work on joint projects.

Editor Countries / organization: New Zealand Topic: Environment & Sustainability Funding

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