NewsExpert network agri benchmark Cash Crop gains Bayer CropScience as new partner

Expert network agri benchmark Cash Crop gains Bayer CropScience as new partner

Bayer CropScience is the newest supporting partner of the agri benchmark Cash Crop Network. This global, non-profit network of agricultural economists, advisors, producers and specialists in the Cash Crop value chain uses internationally standardized methods to analyze farms, production systems and their profitability. Its aim is to generate and disseminate reliable and usable information and analysis on major trends in global crop production. It is coordinated by the German Thünen Institute and the German Agricultural Society (DLG).

In March, Bayer CropScience signed a cooperation agreement with DLG, the managing partner in agri benchmark. The Thünen Institute of Farm Economics is responsible for the research and the cooperation with scientific partners. The agreement is valid for an initial period of three years, a long-term cooperation is envisaged.

Ludwig Schanze from Bayer CropScience responsible for the cooperation with agri benchmark points out: “We are aiming for an improved understanding of trends in global crop production and the respective needs of the farming sector. We value the network´s independent work and direct interaction with national experts and growers.”

Yelto Zimmer, coordinator of the agri benchmark Cash Crop Network is content about the expansion and emphasizes: “We appreciate Bayer CropScience’s support and the trust in our work. This will enable the network to grow and to explore new areas relevant to all stakeholders in global crop production.” In his opinion Bayer CropScience is an interesting partner for agri benchmark because of its expertise in crop production and crop protection in particular. This way, agri benchmark Cash Crop has access to first-hand information on recent trends and challenges in crop protection affecting growers and crop production.


Dr. Yelto Zimmer
Thünen Institute of Farm Economics, Braunschweig
Tel.: +49 531-596-5155

Source: Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut Editor by Tim Mörsch, VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH Countries / organization: Germany Global Topic: High Tech Regions and Networks Life Sciences


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