NewsFirst Call launched by China for the EU-China Research and Innovation Co-Funding Mechanism

First Call launched by China for the EU-China Research and Innovation Co-Funding Mechanism

The Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) has published its first call for proposals under the EU-China Co-Funding Mechanism (CFM) for Research and Innovation.

The CFM is intended to support mainland China-based research and innovation organisations participating in Horizon 2020 projects. This first call covers a variety of thematic areas including food, agriculture, biotechnology, information and communication technology, space, aviation, energy, health, transportation, water resources, energy conservation, advanced manufacturing, new materials, sustainable urbanization, and exchanges of young scientists.

Two deadlines are foreseen for 2016: 31 March and 31 July 2016. The total budget is 200 million RMB or 28 million euro for 2016. Please check the call for eligibility and other information.

More information on the EU-China Co-funding Mechanism

MOST call (Chinese original) | MOST call (PDF, English translation)

Horizon 2020 topics targeting China (PDF)

Q&A on EU-China Co-funding Mechanisms (PDF)

EU-China Research and Innovation Cooperation

Source: Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) Editor by Friederike Mang Countries / organization: EU China Topic: Funding


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