NewsGerman Cutting Edge Technology at the IATI-BioMed 2013

German Cutting Edge Technology at the IATI-BioMed 2013

Tel Aviv – Medical technology and life sciences are becoming more and more important and are increasingly overlapping with information and engineering technology. This is true also for Germany which is one of the worldwide leading producers of high quality medical technology. As for exports, the German medical technology sector, with a world market share of 14.6 percent, ranks second behind the USA.

Between 5 and 20 percent, depending on topic area, of worldwide scientific publications on medical technology originate from Germany. Surgeons use intelligent tumor tracking software for planning surgeries and therapy response evaluations and, increase the biocompatibility of implants with plasma technology or nanoscale coatings. Devices for breathing-independent radiation therapy (respiratory gating) of lung cancer make use of the “time of flight” 3D technique or other three-dimensional methods of surface measurement, previously used for automobiles or gaming. Molecular markers detect degenerated tissue within the body, while functional imaging techniques visualize in vivo processes like metabolism or blood flow. Scientific and technological expertise as well as interdisciplinary cooperation have made German medical technology an internationally renowned driver for innovation.

The “12th National Life Science & Technology Week IATI-BioMed” from 10th to 12th June 2013 is an ideal stage for showcasing the newest innovations and developments in German medical technology and bioengineering in Israel. Four German scientific clusters present their innovations in medical technology with lectures and at the accompanying exhibition (booth 44A). The networks are supported by the international topical campaign “Germany – Partner for Medical Technology” of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research that aims at presenting German medical technological innovations in trendsetting topics and at initiating international research and development cooperation projects between Germany and important partner countries like Israel. The four R&D clusters that will be represented at the IATI-BioMed are dealing with innovative imaging techniques and plasma medicine: BioNanoMed from Münster (North Rhine-Westphalia), Molecular Imaging Network from Kiel (Schleswig-Holstein), PlasmaMedicine from Greifswald (Mecklenburg-West Pomerania) und 3-D Imaging in Medicine from Erlangen (Bavaria).

Medical Technology Experts from the Best German Research Networks Introduce Themselves

Scientists in universities and companies of the BioNanoMedTech network carry out research in the field of nanoscale structures for diagnostics, imaging techniques and new therapies. Nanotechnology can be used in medicine for smallest encapsulations of pharmaceuticals or for coating implants with nanoparticles. With respect to diagnostics, the scientists focus on recording and analyzing nanoscale cell anatomy as well as on miniaturized systems for in-vitro diagnostics. Combined with the use of pluripotent stem cells, nanotechnology opens up completely new possibilities for regenerative medicine.

The Molecular Imaging Network (MOIN) also focuses on smallest particles in imaging techniques. It develops and studies new diagnostic and therapeutic imaging procedures for detecting and treating oncological, inflammatory and neurological processes. Molecular markers detect degenerated tissue within the body by docking to abnormal cells and thus uncovering them. In the preclinical research center of MOIN “molecular imaging” is being used in small animal imaging. With molecular markers, new therapeutic approaches and pharmaceuticals can be tested in vivo a lot more efficiently and animal-friendly. Together with molecular in-vitro diagnostics, the molecular in-vivo imaging opens up new perspectives in research and development, diagnostics and therapy.

The cluster 3-D Imaging in Medicine around the Central Institute for Medical Technology (ZiMT) at the Friedrich Alexander University of Erlangen (FAU) is developing procedures for combining a large number of separate medical pictures into a high-resolution 3D view. A special breast CT system – a 3D breast x-ray computer tomograph – does not only improve patient comfort, but also allows for a higher responsiveness in the early diagnosis of breast cancer. Different 3D recording techniques like time-of-flight or structured light, which have been used primarily for computer games or automotive engineering so far, are integrated in order to allow for motion compensation. This technique enables breathing-independent radiation therapy (respiratory gating) of lung cancer as well as undistorted three-dimensional images of a beating heart.

Finally, the research cluster for Plasma Medicine conducts basic research into the antimicrobial and surface-refining properties of low temperature plasma and its application possibilities in medicine. In the future, nonthermal plasma could be used for pretreating implants as well as for wound treatment in dentistry and dermatology. The research cluster has already taken an important step by developing the kINPen MED, that is in the approval procedure for dermatological use in the treatment of infectious skin diseases.

Today, more than ever before, scientific and technological progress is no longer being driven forward within national borders, but in international collaboration. Being present abroad and getting together with international experts is therefore essential for all of the above said research networks. Thus, Israel with its innovative research and start-up community, especially in life sciences, is an important partner country for Germany and German scientists.


German Aerospace Center
Project Management Agency
European and International Cooperation
Corinna Stefani
Bonn, Germany
Phone: +49 228 3821-1372

Editor Countries / organization: Germany Israel Topic: Life Sciences Physical/Chemical Technologies


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