NewsGrants and Scholarships Programme for Syrian Students Launched

Grants and Scholarships Programme for Syrian Students Launched

Funded by the Federal Foreign Office, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) has set up a scholarships programme for refugees from Syria. The call for applications begins on 31 October. In total, one hundred gifted Syrian students are to be given the opportunity of studying in Germany in the coming year. The Federal Foreign Office is to provide €7.8m in funding.

Germany’s Foreign Minister, Frank-Walter Steinmeier explains: “We cannot allow the Syrian conflict to engender a lost generation. It is particularly young Syrians that will play a crucial role in rebuilding their country and deciding its future as soon as this terrible conflict is over. We want to help give this young generation a future perspective.”

The new “Leadership for Syria” programme set up by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) is backed by €7.8m in funding and will enable up to 100 students to complete their studies in Germany and participate in a socio-political accompanying programme. In addition, the number of regular DAAD scholarships is to be doubled.

“The programme is specifically geared to young people who have had to interrupt their studies or could not commence them due to the war. A sound education gives them future perspectives and prepares them for the task of helping to shape the Syria of tomorrow”, says DAAD President Prof. Margret Wintermantel.

The new scholarship programme is primarily focused on Master’s students, as well as providing places for PhD students and Bachelor’s students. This programme is open to students in Syria and refugees from Syria, regardless of the country in which they are currently staying. To enable as many candidates as possible to apply, the DAAD accepts applications submitted online and in its offices in the relevant regions (Amman, Ankara, Istanbul, Erbil, Cairo, and Beirut).

The calls for applications are available as of 31 October 2014 at and


In Syria, following three years of armed conflict, every second Syrian is fleeing the country. There are meanwhile over 9 million refugees. More than 3 million refugees have sought safety in neighbouring countries.

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) continued its support for Syrian academics after the conflict had commenced. Last year over 300 students and scientists from Syria were able to come to Germany on the basis of a DAAD scholarship. In 2012, within the scope of the DAAD’s STIBET programme, German institutes of higher education received €1.4m in additional funding to provide quick and unbureaucratic emergency assistance to students from Syria.

Press Officer

Dr. Christian Hülshörster
Director of Group North Africa, Near and Middle East
Phone: +49 (0228) 882-545
E mail: huelshoerster(at)

If you have any queries regarding the programme, please address them to syrien(at)

Source: DAAD Editor Countries / organization: Syria Topic: Higher Education Funding Skilled Personnel


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