NewsIVAM-Poll: Microtechnology experts expect no strain on trade relations with China

IVAM-Poll: Microtechnology experts expect no strain on trade relations with China

Leading representatives of the European microtechnology industry do not expect that the current conflict will put a strain on the trade relations between Europe and China.

In a IVAM Microtechnology Network flash poll, 57 percent of participating experts from industry and science saw no cause for concern. Only 13 percent supposed that the conflict about punitive duties will have a lasting impact on the trade relations.

The expert call the conflict, which was sparked by the punitive duties the EU commission has imposed on cheap solar modules from China, a “political poker” and a momentary overreaction – though quite understandable, as both sides have a legitimate interest to protect their industry. On the other hand, both sides should have an interest, too, not to impose long-term restrictions on the international free trade, which is why they will finally come to an agreement.

According to the microtechnology experts, China is depending too much on imports from Europe to endanger the trade relations. On the long term, however, China will strive to become more independent from Europe or even wall off its domestic market like the United States did.

No matter what the experts think of the outcome of the conflict, they almost agree that punitive duties are not an adequate means to control trade relations. The EU commission should rather appeal to the Chinese government to cut the massive subsidies they put into the solar industry.

Source: IDW News / IVAM Microtechnology Network Editor by Tim Mörsch, VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH Countries / organization: EU China Topic: Physical/Chemical Technologies Industry, Markets Engineering and Production


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