NewsLEARNTEC 2016 presents innovative technologies for learning with IT

LEARNTEC 2016 presents innovative technologies for learning with IT

The Karlsruhe Trade Fair Centre will be revolving around all aspects of digital learning from 26 to 28 January 2016. At the twenty-fourth LEARNTEC – International Trade Fair and Convention for Learning with IT – visitors and experts exchange news and views on innovations in technology-assisted education and training and discuss the current issues relevant to lifelong learning.

On the three days of the event, some 220 exhibitors from 12 countries will be presenting cutting-edge applications, programmes, and solutions for learning with IT. LEARNTEC 2016 places the focus on topics such as learning analytics, mobile learning, global learning, and Industrie 4.0. The convention at the twenty-fourth LEARNTEC is dedicated to “The future of learning: a digital learning culture” and imparts concentrated, practical knowledge in five sections.

LEARNTEC in tune with the times

The eLearning market is booming. According to a study by Roland Berger in 2014, the total eLearning market is worth USD91 billion and will be registering more than 20% growth per year until 2017. The included Corporate eLearning segment looks set to grow by 13% per year until 2017. 3000 companies are active in the eLearning business in Europe and the steadily growing figures underscore its growing importance.

LEARNTEC has been devoted to the use of digital media in professional and vocational training for 24 years and is therefore more relevant than ever. At the trade fair and convention, IT executives and HR decision-makers can obtain information about the possibilities IT-assisted learning and source solutions specific to their problems in knowledge transfer and management. Visitors can also find out what they need to know about eLearning for product and software training courses, language courses, soft-skills training, work-safety instruction, and HR topics such as on-boarding.

New subject areas at LEARNTEC 2016

Digital media are not yet as widely used in schools as they are in professional and vocational training. “In these times of digitalisation and globalisation, interaction with digital media should be able to be taken for granted in all phases of an educational biography,” says Britta Wirtz, managing director of Karlsruher Messe- und Kongress-GmbH, “for the acquisition of media competence before starting a career is the prerequisite for a lifelong culture of digital learning.”

LEARNTEC adopted school digitalisation in 2014 and initiated school@LEARNTEC. Owing to the success in the previous years, it will also be a featured field at LEARNTEC 2016. On board this time round as a new strategic partner is the VBE, the German association for education and upbringing.

At the coming LEARNTEC there will also be a special offering for the digitalisation of universities for the first time in the form of university@LEARNTEC. This particular field is aimed at datacentre managers, IT executives, and university lecturers and features fascinating lectures and rounds of discussions held by leading key players in digital academic teaching. Best-practice examples demonstrate how digital media are used in university practice.

More space for the start-up section

The number of young companies presenting themselves at LEARNTEC grows from year to year as well. Owing to the keen interest in the last few years, the space allocated to the start-up section is being increased again for 2016. “Roughly 20 start-ups will be showing what they’re made of at LEARNTEC 2016. The growing interest shows that more and more people are interested in the subject of eLearning in a commercial sense and are going into business – very pleasing development, indeed,” says Britta Wirtz, managing director of Karlsruher Messe- und Kongress-GmbH.

Theme of the convention – The future of learning: a culture of digital learning

Technical solutions are now essential if learning opportunities are to remain in keeping with the times. New technical offerings enable innovative and flexible learning solutions to be used that can be adapted to suit the particular requirements of the target group. They create space for mobile, personalised, and customer-oriented concepts. The focus is always on people when new learning concepts are created. This also applies for the learning culture that must provide the appropriate framework. The convention at the twenty-fourth LEARNTEC is therefore dedicated to the topic of “The future of learning: a digital learning culture,” which is reflected in the whole convention programme.

The lectures deal with the areas of tension between learning culture and technical solution, digital possibilities and people’s learning needs. Topics such communication, psychology, and emotion form two key focal points of the convention. On the three days of the event, more than 120 speakers from 8 countries and 24 hosts will be appearing before the specialist audience and sharing their knowledge – 20 percent of the lectures will be in English.

The keynote addresses at the opening are among the highlights of the convention. Dr Jürgen Kaube, for example, publisher and head of the feuilleton of the newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung, will be delivering his keynote speech entitled “Lesen.Schreiben.Rechnen. Was ist das? (Reading.Writing.Arithmetic. What’s that?)” and Professor Catherine Mongenet, Policy Officer, Ministry of Higher Education and Research, Paris, will be talking on “E-Learning with MOOCs and FUN – France Université Numérique”. The extensive convention programme and tickets are available at 

Source: Karlsruher Messe- und Kongress-GmbH Editor Countries / organization: Global Topic: Vocational Education and Training Information and Communications


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