The cooperation programme aims to strengthen teachers at all levels as key actors in promoting sustainable development and peace through education. UNESCO Chairs from Leuphana University Lüneburg, Heidelberg University of Education, the University of Crete (Greece), the Earth Charter Center (Costa Rica), York University (Canada) and the Chair of Global Change and Social Learning at Rhodes University (South Africa) as well as other partners from 30 countries are involved.
The participants are convinced that quality education is crucial to achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Their main focus is to cooperate in the fields of research, policy development and education for sustainable development, especially in teacher training.
Professor Daniel Lang, acting holder of the UNESCO Chair of Higher Education for Sustainable Development at Leuphana, is looking forward to the future cooperation:
"It is an honour to coordinate this global alliance from Leuphana. The new alliance is only the second network of its kind in Germany."
The participants want to place a special focus of their work on re-evaluating the role of teachers as the foundation of our education systems. In particular, this will involve improving the quality of teacher education so that learners can acquire the knowledge, skills, values and attitudes they need to lead healthy lives, promote sustainable development and manage their environment responsibly.