NewsLeuphana University of Lüneburg: New International Sustainability Research Center

Leuphana University of Lüneburg: New International Sustainability Research Center

Leuphana University of Lüneburg is expanding its international cooperation. Together with Arizona State University (USA), it just established the new Center for Global Sustainability and Cultural Transformation (CGSC) in Lüneburg. This new facility will consolidate the universities’ co-operation in research and teaching. It will do so by generating joint projects dealing with central problems of modern societies by applying interdisciplinary perspectives. Their efforts will center on research on sustainability issues and cultural change.

For several years, both universities have been working together successfully in various teaching and research projects. Already in 2012, they united their endeavors to launch the “Global Classroom Project” funded by the Mercator Foundation. German and American undergraduate students research and learn together real sustainability issues with the help of most advanced e-learning tools and during brief attendance phases at both universities. The joint research efforts are already bearing fruit. Last year, academics from both universities succeeded in acquiring a substantially funded sustainability research project from the Volkswagen Foundation.

Next Winter Semester, both universities are launching their conjointly developed Master’s Program in “Global Sustainability Science”. This course of study stretches over two years and abounds with environment and sustainability research themes. The students each spend one semester at the other partner’s university, thereby adding intercultural competencies to their skills. Both universities each award one degree to every successful graduate of this program.

International networking in the field of education and research for sustainable development is a further mutual concern of the partner universities. Together with further partner universities, they have, in March this year, officially established the Network of Programs in Transformational Sustainability (NEPS). This network includes universities from Europe, Africa, Asia, Middle and North America, which offer programs in the field of sustainability science.


ASU has a total of 80.000 students at their various campuses and employs around 3,000 academics. Under the leadership of President Michael M. Crow and the banner of “New American University”, ASU underwent a reform process started in 2002, which resulted in its structural and strategic realignment. Stronger interaction with society, consistent focus on current social challenges, and grouping institutes into higher-level, interdisciplinary units are just a few aspects of this process. The ASU is considered a model for reform-minded public universities in the US.

Source: Leuphana Unversität Lüneburg Editor Countries / organization: Germany USA Global Topic: Higher Education Funding Humanities and Social Sciences Environment & Sustainability


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