NewsMax Planck Institute for Polymer Research collaborates with institutes in Thailand

Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research collaborates with institutes in Thailand

A research delegation from the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research has signed memoranda of understanding during its scientific trip to Thailand to expand collaborations on the research of nanostructures and responsive soft materials.

Nine high-ranking members from the Max Planck Institute (MPI) for Polymer Research in Mainz, Germany, have recently visited Bangkok, Thailand, to discuss intensively with scientists from the Petroleum and Petrochemical College at the Chulalongkorn University, the National Nanotechnology Center (NANOTEC) and National Science and Development Agency (NSTDA).

During the multi-day symposium about nanostructures and responsive soft materials, the scientists from Mainz have intensively exchanged views with their Thai hosts. Professor Landfester, who is responsible for the department of Physical Chemistry of Polymers at the MPI for Polymer Research, confirmed: "Our common goal is to intensify scientific collaborations including research visits, as well as meetings, seminars and workshops on both sides." The conclusion of joint memoranda of understanding has been an important outcome of the symposium, for example to exchange students through various research programs to promote application-related polymer research.

Memoranda of understanding seal collaborations

The memoranda of understanding focus on strengthening scientific collaborations in the broad field of polymer, petrochemical and nanotechnology research. Professor Butt, who leads the department of Physics at Interfaces at the MPI for Polymer Research, emphasized: "The memoranda of understanding are a visible sign of our joint efforts to strengthen the scientific relations between our institute and our Thai partners."

One memorandum of understanding for the collaboration between the MPI for Polymer Research and Thailand has been signed during a formal ceremony. Another memorandum seals the cooperation with the Petroleum and Petrochemical College at the Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok.

Source: Max Planck Institute (MPI) for Polymer Research / IDW News Editor Countries / organization: Thailand Topic: Physical/Chemical Technologies


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