NewsNew Max Planck Harvard Research Center for Quantum Optics

New Max Planck Harvard Research Center for Quantum Optics

Researchers at the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics (MPQ) and the Department of Physics of Harvard University will collaborate in the new Max Planck Harvard Research Center for Quantum Optics.

“Harvard University, like the Max Planck Society, has an exceptionally strong tradition in the field of quantum physics. Since groundbreaking innovations from the first generation of this type of research, such as laser technology, have already long played a significant role in shaping our everyday lives, the new Max Planck Harvard Center for Quantum Optics is exactly the right format to enable us to jointly bring fresh impulses to this promising field,” said Martin Stratmann, President of the Max Planck Society, during the Center’s Inauguration on Friday, 12 January 2018, at the Deutsches Museum in Munich.

Today, quantum optics is a multidisciplinary field, combining, for example, concepts from condensed matter physics and quantum field theory. To some extent, both institutions have complementary expertise, which is now brought together in the new center. Research topics at Max Planck Harvard Research Center for Quantum Optics (MPHQ) range from the study of exotic quantum matter phases, quantum computing – based on scalable quantum networks or quantum simulation –, to quantum metrology and ultracold chemistry.

“The new Max Planck Center brings together some of the worldwide leading teams in the field of quantum optics, allowing us to address some of the most outstanding questions in our field,” emphasizes Immanuel Bloch from the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics. “In particular, we want to support early career researchers, enabling them to form a unique scientific network. To this end, exchange programs and regular schools on quantum science are implemented in the cooperation agreement of the MPHQ.”

The second Max Planck Center with Harvard University has a targeted duration of six years. With the new Max Planck Harvard Research Center for Quantum Optics, the number of Max Planck Centers worldwide is now 18. Both cooperation partners will contribute about 365,000 euros per year.

Source: Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics / IDW Nachrichten Editor by Tim Mörsch, VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH Countries / organization: USA Topic: Physical/Chemical Technologies Basic Research Infrastructure


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