NewsNew webinar series “Quo vadis Europe?” on Alumniportal Deutschland

New webinar series “Quo vadis Europe?” on Alumniportal Deutschland

Within eight sessions all different aspects of enlargement will be looked at. Among these sessions will be a live stream from XXIII. European Summer School of the Gustav-Stresemann-Institute where experts discuss all possibilities together with Germany-alumni in Bonn. Virtually, everyone can participate in exciting debates and lectures of the summer school.

The European Union is currently facing big challenges – several member states have meanwhile sought for EU’s financial assis-tance. While the EU tries to stabilize the currency union by reforms and a rescue umbrella, there is a much bigger question to deal with:

Is it possible to open doors of the European house for a future enlargement of the EU? It is the intention of Art 49 of the Treaty on European Union that every European state may submit its application for membership of the European Union. Since the beginning of the European community, history of European integration is shaped by enlargement.

Titled “Quo vadis Europe?”, this webinar focuses on recent enlargement options of the European Union.

Within eight sessions all different aspects of enlargement will be looked at. Among these sessions will be a live stream from XXIII. European Summer School of the Gustav-Stresemann-Institut „Europa trotz(t) Krise“ where experts discuss all possibilities together with Germany-alumni in Bonn. Virtually, everyone can participate in exciting debates and lectures of the summer school.

Two active participants of the webinar group have the chance to be part of the XXIII. European Summer School of the Gustav-Stresemann-Institut in Bonn and Brussels.

The webinar kicks of in July on Alumniportal Deutschland The last session will be held in September. Language of the webinar will be mainly German, English questions can be asked though. Sessions can be seen afterwards if you cannot attend live.

Precondition in order to participate is a proper internet connection and the previous registration on Alumniportal Deutschland which is free of charge. Further information on participation, the contest, and contents of every session can be found in the webinar group.

Join the webinar now:

The team of Alumniportal Deutschland is looking forward to exciting debates and the participation of all interested persons.

Source: Alumniportal Deutschland Editor Countries / organization: Topic: Higher Education Humanities and Social Sciences Information and Communications miscellaneous / Cross-section Activities Industry, Markets


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