NewsOfficial launch of the International Consortium for Personalised Medicine, ICPerMed

Official launch of the International Consortium for Personalised Medicine, ICPerMed

Personalised medicine is a promising new concept for dealing with challenges of health and health systems. With the launch of the International Consortium of Personalised Medicine (ICPerMed), European countries aim to coordinate health research policy to advance the implementation of personalised medicine.

The initiative brings together health research funders and policy making organisations from 28 countries, five regions and the European Commission (EC).

The ICPerMed Executive Committee elected Mairead O'Driscoll of the Health Research Board (HRB, Ireland) as chair. As vice chairs Ain Aaviksoo from the Ministry of Social Affairs (Estonia) and Wolfgang Ballensiefen from DLR (Germany) were elected. The three chairs took over the management of ICPerMed from chair ad interim Irene Nordstedt, Head of the Innovative and Personalised Medicine Unit of DG RTD (EC).

The newly elected chair Mairead O'Driscoll says: “Personalised medicine puts citizens at the centre of healthcare. To achieve its full potential, we have to take a coordinated approach to research across member states. I am looking forward to working with all the members of ICPerMed to advance personalised medicine research in Europe and to demonstrate the benefits to citizens and healthcare systems.”

The chairs and the consortium will be supported by the ICPerMed Secretariat. The secretariat started its work as of November 2016 and will be organising workshops and conferences. It is coordinated by DLR, Germany with partners from France, Italy and Spain. The secretariat’s work is financed by the EC over the next four years.

ICPerMed members have collaborated earlier, e.g. organising an international conference on Personalised Medicine in Brussels in June 2016.

Further information will be available soon at

For inquiries, please contact the ICPerMed Secretariat:
E-mail: ICPerMed(at)
Phone: +49228-3821-1266

Source: ICPerMed Editor Countries / organization: EU Belgium Germany France Italy Spain Estonia Topic: Life Sciences

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