NewsOnline Courses in Integrated Management of Water, Soil and Waste

Online Courses in Integrated Management of Water, Soil and Waste

The United Nations University Institute for Integrated Management of Material Fluxes and of Resources (UNU-FLORES) has developed three online courses for decision makers, practitioners and students with an interest in planning and management of environmental resources.

Hosted on the Blended Learning Platform, the online course programme forms an integral part of the Nexus Observatory. Through these online courses UNU-FLORES aims to provide participants with access to relevant knowledge, to help address capacity development needs and to allow for the development of new skills on how to apply the acquired knowledge in practice.

Online courses in 2016:

Green Economy and the Life-Cycle Cost Approach (LCCA)

  • Life-cycle cost approach: rationale and relevance
  • Life-cycle cost approach: framework and concepts
  • LCCA applications in infrastructure and other projects: some case studies

Rethinking Infrastructure Design for Multi-Use Water Services

  • Rethinking infrastructure design for multi-use water services
  • What are the main options for applying the multi-use water services paradigm?
  • Case studies illustrating the multi-use water services options

Financing Public Services and Environmental Sustainability

  • Trends in financing of public goods
  • Public budgets: governance structures, norms and organisational practices
  • Issues of accountability and policy outcomes: key lessons from recent international experience

Application Deadline: 15 August 2016

Source: UNU-FLORES Editor Countries / organization: other Countries Global Topic: Higher Education Environment & Sustainability

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