NewsOnline Master "The European Union and Central Asia in the International System"

Online Master "The European Union and Central Asia in the International System"

After the graduation of the first class of 25 students, the "Institut für Europäische Politik" (IEP, Berlin) and the Centre international de formation européenne (CIFE, Nice/Berlin) continue the master programme "Studies on the EU and Central Asia in the International System" in August 2013.

IEP/CIFE can offer young professionals and postgraduates from the wider Central Asia the chance to obtain a master’s degree in "Studies on the EU and Central Asia in the International System".

Start and duration of the programme

The programme will start in August 2013. It will last three semesters, six months each, and will conclude in March 2015.

Organisation of the programme

The programme is organised on a part-time basis, allowing its students to pursue their careers at home. It includes e-learning phases as well as additional workshops in Berlin, Brussels and Central Asia.


Up to 30 scholarships with 200 € per month will be offered; the costs for travel and accommodation during the workshops will be covered for scholarship holders.

Target region

Postgraduates and young professionals from Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, as well as from the Chinese region of Xinjiang and the Indian region of Kashmir can apply to the programme.


The application process for the online master will be opened from now on until 15 June 2013. For further details on the programme and the admission process please consult the website


IEP (Berlin) is a well established research and training centre dealing with European affairs. CIFE (Nice/Berlin) is a well established institution of the second cycle of higher education for international and European affairs.

For more information please contact info(at)

Source: Centre international de formation européenne CIFE Editor Countries / organization: Afghanistan Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Tajikistan Turkmenistan Uzbekistan Topic: Higher Education Humanities and Social Sciences


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