NewsPlasma for Environment Protection (PlasTEP): Successful Final Conference

Plasma for Environment Protection (PlasTEP): Successful Final Conference

On the 5th and 6th December the PlasTEP project had its Final Conference. The Conference took place in Berlin, Germany and was attended by 60 persons from the partnership as well as others generally interested in the project and its main results. 10 speakers from 4 countries made the different sessions a constructive mix of knowledge and experience from around Europe.

The first day started with the conference and three different sessions.
Session I: Importance of a healthy environment and activities to protect the environment
Session II: PlasTEP - Innovative plasma technologies for environment protection in the Baltic Sea region
Session III: Perspectives for future projects

The conference started with the first session and with an insight into the innovative industrial development and environment in Poland by the Director Jerzy Majchrzak from the Innovation & Industry Department at the Ministry of Economy Poland.
Prof. Ulrich Riebel, Chair of Particle Technology at the BTU Cottbus, presented the possibilities of gas cleaning with plasma.
The key challenges in water protection especially the main problems preventing surface waters from achieving good ecological and chemical status were the topic of the presentation of Dr Markus Salomon from the German Advisory Council on the Environment.

The second session was fully dedicated to the main result of each work package (WP) of the PlasTEP project as well as the future chances for PlasTEP results. Each WP leader gave a short presentation about their main results.

The focus of the third session was the perspectives for future projects. Dr. Shilpi Saxena from the National Contact Point Environment from the Project Management Jülich in Berlin presented the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation starting in 2014 - Horizon 2020. Dr. Saxena compared the new Horizon 2020 Programme with the 7th EU-Framework Programme and showed to the participants the advantages of the new Horizon 2020 Programme.

The last but not least presentation of the first day was given by Peter Wolfmeyer from the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) and ZENIT GmbH. Mr Wolfmeyer provided insight into the work of EEN and how they use the expertise of its member to support European enterprises (above all SME, and other organisations, such as universities and research institutions) in their scientific and commercial development. The first day was concluded with a conference dinner.

Day two, the symposium, paid special attention to the work of the PlasTEP project as well as presentations from plasma technology experts from Italy, Great Britain and The Netherlands.

The first session started with the presentation of the PlasTEP results from WP 5 by Dr Ronny Brandenburg (Leibniz Institute for Plasma Science and Technology) followed by an insight into catalytic materials for plasma-based exhaust gas treatment from Prof. David Cameron (Lappeenranta University of Technology, ASTRaL).

Prof. Cristina Paradisi from the Department of Chemical Sciences at the University of Padua presented as one of the experts the advanced oxidation of organic pollutants in air non-thermal plasmas.

The oxidative degradation of toluene and limonene in air by pulsed corona technology was the topic of the second expert presentation from Dr Wilfred Hoeben from the Department of Electrical Engineering at the Eindhoven University of Technology.

Ms Maria Prantsidou (School of Chemistry, University of Manchester) was the third expert and gave an insight into her research topic - spent oil degradation by gliding arc discharge.

In connection with these expert presentations, the results of WP 4 and 6 were presented by Dr Eugen Stamate (Department of Energy Conversion and Storage, Technical University of Denmark), Prof. Andrzej Chmielewski (Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology), Dr Mirosław Dors (The Szewalski Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery) and Dr Marcin Hołub (West Pomeranian University of Technology).

The symposium ended by Mario Kokowsky (Lead Partner) extending a special thanks to the PlasTEP partners for the good and successful cooperation during the past three years.

All presentations are available at:

Source: BalticNet-PlasmaTec Editor by Alexander Schwock, BalticNet-PlasmaTec Countries / organization: EU Denmark Finland Latvia Lithuania Estonia Sweden Poland Topic: High Tech Regions and Networks Environment & Sustainability


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