NewsProceedings of the 2nd scientific GreenNet conference regarding the European Green Belt published

Proceedings of the 2nd scientific GreenNet conference regarding the European Green Belt published

The editors Prof. Ilke Marschall and Matthias Gather from University of Applied Sciences Erfurt were also leading the international scientific conference in February 2013 at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) in Vienna.

More than 85 participants from science, administration, NGO´s and companies from 11 nations, including also the USA and South Korea discussed 2 days the status quo of landscape policy and spatial planning for the European Green Belt and integrated also the European agriculture and transport policy.

Landscape instruments and strategies to protect this outstanding ecological network were introduced, but also limits and weaknesses of landscape policy and governance became obvious.

Special interest found a contribution regarding the economic value of ecosystems and landscapes of the European Green Belt. The new strategy of Green Infrastructure within the EU Biodiversity strategy 2020 was promoted by bringing multiple benefits to people and adaption to climate change.

The possibilities of the European Green Belt as a natural and cultural world heritage and good examples of cross-border and cross-sectoral cooperationwere shown.

The presentations can be found under:

The proceedings are published in „Berichte des Instituts Verkehr und Raum“ of the University of Applied Sciences Erfurt and can be found online online: .

For further information please contact: Dipl.-Ing. K.M. Müller, +49 361-6700-524

Editor Countries / organization: EU Topic: Environment & Sustainability


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