NewsResearch Institute launches European FP7 project on absolute decoupling of EU economic growth from resource use and environmental impacts

Research Institute launches European FP7 project on absolute decoupling of EU economic growth from resource use and environmental impacts

How can the EU significantly reduce its resource use and associated environmental impacts while its economy continues to thrive? Proposing robust policy mixes for achieving the tremendous task of absolute decoupling is at the heart of the FP7 research project DYNAMIX. Led by the German research institute Ecologic Institute, DYNAMIX systematically integrates quantitative modelling with qualitative assessments to investigate how effective policy mixes for resource efficiency could be applied in practice.

In order to support the shift towards a resource-efficient EU by decoupling economic development from resource use and environmental degradation, the DYNAMIX project will together tackle four main sets of questions:

  1. Where do inefficiencies in resource use and resource policies currently occur? What are the underlying drivers? Are there any examples of policy mixes successfully tackling these inefficiencies?
  2. How do underlying paradigms affect resource use? How can new paradigms (e.g. cradle to cradle or product to services) be translated into concrete policy making?
  3. What could be three to five most promising policy mixes for achieving absolute decoupling? What potential impacts can we see as a result of state-of-the-art environmental and economic modelling and qualitative analysis, including an analysis of factors influencing human behaviour?
  4. How can we initiate mutual and lasting learning processes with policy-makers, practitioners and other experts to improve our work toward a resource-efficient EU?

DYNAMIX aims at strengthening policy-makers’ capacity to implement powerful resource efficiency policy options in practice, thereby providing tangible support to major EU strategies, above all the "Europe 2020 Strategy" and the "Roadmap to a Resource Efficient Europe" – a first step towards concrete action under the flagship initiative "Resource-efficient Europe". To this end, policy-makers, together with other stakeholders, will be involved in a systematic participatory learning process throughout the duration of the project. DYNAMIX Policy Platforms will provide a regular forum for knowledge exchange and mutual learning. Policy-makers thus can shape the project’s design based on their needs, hence ensuring that DYNAMIX provides tangible support to EU policy-making for resource efficiency. By providing tangible support towards the implementation of current EU resource efficiency policies, DYNAMIX will help shorten the path towards a resource efficient economy.

Source: Copyright Ecologic Institute Editor Countries / organization: EU Topic: Environment & Sustainability


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