NewsRWTH Aachen University and Korea Institute of Advancement of Technology (KIAT) Signed Memorandum of Understanding

RWTH Aachen University and Korea Institute of Advancement of Technology (KIAT) Signed Memorandum of Understanding

Jae-Hoon Chung, President of Korea Institute of Advancement of Technology (KIAT) signed a memorandum of understanding with Prof. Ernst Schmachtenberg, Rector of RWTH Aachen University, at the beginning of March.

The aims of the Memorandum are the following: to foster the exchange of scientists and engineers, to perform research activities especially for small and medium-sized enterprises, together and to improve the information between KIAT and RWTH Aachen University.

Another topic of the visit of the Korean delegation around President Chung was the visit of the Institut für Textiltechnik (ITA) of RWTH Aachen University. ITA and KIAT have already done projects together. “We are glad, that the Memorandum essentially simplifies the industrial and scientific cooperation of KIAT and ITA”, Prof. Gries, Head of ITA, summarizes. “We already planned workshops with textile manufacturers in the Republic of Korea and German mechanical engineers to identify the mutual needs and demands.”
Beside Aachen, the KIAT-representatives also visited Düsseldorf where a similar Memorandum was signed with NRW.Invest.

KIAT was established to serve exclusive functions to develop the industrial economy of the Republic of Korea and it is an entrusted organization under the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy to implement the government R&D budget for enterprises and to execute various primary roles to foster technological cooperation both nation-wide and globally.

With its 260 institutes in nine faculties, RWTH Aachen is among the leading European scientific and research institutions. National rankings (de) and international assess-ments attest to the RWTH graduates’ marked ability to handle complex tasks, to solve problems constructively in team work and to take on leadership roles. It is therefore not surprising that many board members of German corporate groups studied at RWTH Aachen.

Further information:

The Institut für Textiltechnik (ITA) belongs to the elite University RWTH Aachen. Its core expertise consists of textile related production technologies and high performance materials. With the inauguration of the Centre of High Performance Materials in December 2012 ITA offers small and medium industry direct access to scientific research especially in the fields of high modulus fibres and composites. ITA provides research and development services and advanced training and creative workshops in cooperation with its partner company 3T TextilTechnologieTransfer GmbH. Furthermore, ITA graduates students in various textile related courses.

Source: German Institute of Textile Engineering (ITA) Editor Countries / organization: Korea, South Topic: Engineering and Production Basic Research


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