NewsSAF€RA transnational call 2014 Innovating in safety and safe innovations attracts 42 pre-proposals

SAF€RA transnational call 2014 Innovating in safety and safe innovations attracts 42 pre-proposals

The SAF€RA transnational call 2014 attracts 42 pre-proposals requesting funding of 8 Mio. Euro.

SAF€RA’s 2014 joint call on Innovating in safety and safe innovations addressing the two topics:

  • T1: Managing emerging risks
  • T2: New technologies for safety

The scope of the call included research on the management of industrial risk, avoiding major impacts on the environment or society. The scope also includes research on products and systems required to improve safety in industrial settings. The call attracted 42 pre-proposals requesting funding of eight million Euro from 15 funding institutions in nine European countries and regions.

This is about four times the amount available for funding. Knowing about the fragmented nature of safety research in Europe the SAF€RA consortium had agreed on a novel procedure, the single nation application. Nine pre-proposals of this kind were submitted. Since this call follows a two step procedures the pre-proposals are now screened for their eligibility and consistency with the funders’ regulations. By mid-September information will be sent to applicants on results of the first stage. Requests for full proposals are sent to selected applicants, and collaborations proposed to single-nation applicants.

Source: Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing Editor Countries / organization: EU Topic: Security Engineering and Production Funding

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