NewsScience: Hundreds of top jobs to fill at Germany's Max Planck Society

Science: Hundreds of top jobs to fill at Germany's Max Planck Society

Between now and 2030, around 200 of the 300 director posts of the 84 Max Planck Society (MPG) institutes will become vacant, due to the retirement of many current directors all over Germany. The Science magazine reports about the MPG talent search.

As reported in the Science Magazine Max Planck Society (MPG) recently took out ads in major scientific journals to recruit 20 new directors in various fields of science. More director posts will become vacant over the next few years. The search and replacement of directors could mark a turning point for the society, but there are a few obstacles the MPG will have to overcome.

Kai Kupferschmidt, correspondent for Science magazine based in Berlin, about opportunities and challenges of MPG's talent search: Do you want to direct a research institute? Germany’s Max Planck Society has hundreds of top jobs to fill

Source: Science Editor Countries / organization: Germany Topic: Skilled Personnel Strategic Issues and Framework


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