Since 2009, a total of 111 universities in Germany have benefited from the advisory and support formats of the HRK's Audit "Internationalisation of Universities", including the Audit, Audit kompakt, Audit Strategy Workshop and Re-Audit processes.
In this anniversary year, four more universities (Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH), the University of Hildesheim, the University of Education Freiburg and Hochschule der Medien Stuttgart) are to start the HRK Audit.
From 2009 to 2016, the HRK Audit was financially supported by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). Since then, it has been supported by the HRK and funded by a participation fee.
The HRK Audit stands for independent, needs-oriented, holistic and confidential advice on the further development of institutional internationalisation. It provides universities with targeted support in developing their international profile and combines elements of self-reflection with external consulting. Upon successful completion of the audit process, the university receives an electronic seal of participation.