The SEADE project incorporates and builds on work started in previous projects, such as the Horizon 2020 projects AfriConEU, HUBiquitous and ENRICH in Africa (EiA), in which consortium partners created a network of core stakeholders from both continents to support and strengthen the European-African innovation ecosystem. SEADE will extend this network to include the research sector and focus mainly on two key areas: digital transformation and international collaboration. Alongside programme development, integration of legacy elements from further current and past initiatives in the field will provide R&I actors with a comprehensive resource toolkit, made available within the digital platform of the EiA Center, legacy organisation of the EiA project.
Through its programmes and services, SEADE aims to provide a seamless Route-to-Market pathway by transferring research knowledge into market success. All actions will be founded in a human-centred approach based on qualitative and quantitative market research conducted in the first months of the project. Programmes and services like bootcamp trainings, R&I to industry matchmaking, soft-landing programmes and learning expeditions will be tested in pilot actions in four Sub-Saharan target regions including Ghana, Kenya, Senegal, and South Africa.
Coordinated by German innovation consultancy and former ENRICH in Africa coordinator Steinbeis Europa Zentrum, SEADE brings together 10 seasoned ecosystem partners from both continents with a wealth of experience and networks. Many of them have previously cooperated in the frame of ENRICH in Africa or other EU-Africa collaboration projects, creating impact on the ground. Their ecosystem expertise is complemented by the perspective of Higher Education Institutions, represented by the Association of African Universities.
SEADE Consortium Partners
Steinbeis Europa Zentrum (Germany), Methys Consulting (South Africa), Bondy Innovation (France), European Business and Innovation Centre Network (Belgium), WAZIUP (Germany), Hapa Foundation (Ghana), Technology Innovation Agency (South Africa), Bpifrance (France), Association of African Universities (Ghana), ENRICH in Africa Center (South Africa)