NewsTenth anniversary for Stuttgart Software Technology Forum

Tenth anniversary for Stuttgart Software Technology Forum

Contributions from users and experts shed light on current challenges in the IT sector.

The Stuttgart Software Technology Forum (SSF) has long been a fixture in the diaries of IT managers, and this year will be the tenth such event. On October 14 and 15, 2014, the SSF, conceived by users for users, will focus on the topics of master data management and information quality, IT and data integration, and enterprise search. 

If there were one way to sum up the Stuttgart Software Technology Forum, launched in 2005, it would be “Users advise users.” Now, in its tenth year, this event organized by Fraunhofer IAO provides the ideal opportunity for experts, managers and IT personnel to exchange ideas. This year, speakers with relevant practical experience will talk about new developments and their own experience in the areas of master data management and information quality, IT and data integration, and enterprise search.

“From the beginning, the SSF has chosen to combine contributions from users and experts,” explains Jürgen Falkner, who heads up the forum. “This enables participants to learn about the most important trends and technologies while benefiting from the valuable experience of their colleagues.” The aim is to provide participants with an understanding of current issues that will allow them to draw up specific concepts and to select and bring in appropriate IT systems. The forum also includes an exhibition section, featuring products offered by solution providers in the specific areas of interest.

The schedule of talks at this year’s Stuttgart Software Technology Forum will focus on the following current IT challenges:

  • Tuesday, October 14: Master data management and information quality: How do companies obtain high-quality and reliable master data?
  • Wednesday, October 15: IT integration and enterprise search: How can we integrate the constantly rising tide of corporate data and make it systematically searchable?

“This year’s SSF looks at the effect of IT trends such as big data and cloud services in relation to master data management and information quality, IT and data integration, and enterprise search. As each year in the past, the Stuttgart Software Technology Forum has picked up on urgent challenges, and this is what has made it a fixture in the diary of IAO events,” says Anette Weisbecker, head of the information and communication technology business unit and deputy director of Fraunhofer IAO. “Once again, we look forward to many interesting conversations with SSF participants this year.”

To register for SSF 2014, please follow the link below. There is the option to book for individual days if desired.


Jürgen Falkner
Fraunhofer IAO
Nobelstraße 12
70569 Stuttgart
Phone: +49 711 970-2414
E-Mail: juergen.falkner(at)

Further information (in German):

Source: Fraunhofer IAO / IDW Editor Countries / organization: Global Germany Topic: Information and Communications


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