NewsThe work in the Project CompCert is progressing according to plan

The work in the Project CompCert is progressing according to plan

From 07-01 to 15-01-2016 further testing of the curriculum for the training of competence counsellors took place in the Czech Republic, in Slovakia and in Germany. Previously the training materials have been significantly extended in terms of content and methodology, by all of the Project Partners from France, Belgium, Slovakia, Germany and the Czech Republic. To use all this adequately, an extensive and intensive translation and preparation work had to be done in the 3 countries of the testing.

The 5-day training is continuously designed as a pedagogical process. The starting point is a detailed reflection of the own current consulting activities by each participant. This awareness should sustainably support the identification of the nature and the principles of the „Bilan de Compétence“ (BdC) according to the French model.

In the further course of the training, it is of course about the use of goal oriented methods, for example autobiographical methods, the portfolio, behaviour observations or test procedures. It is always about the use of a mix of methods and about the answer to the question: How can the consultant give best support for the participants of the BdC in his learning process regarding his career? Because at the end of the BdC the participant should define his professional project and determine the next steps. Besides the transfer of knowledge, the training provided a good frame for a stimulating exchange of experience among the participants of the training.

Overall the 5-day course required intensive and concentrated work from all the involved parties, because afterwards all participants will demonstrate their acquired knowledge and abilities in the practical implementation of 3 BdCs.

Transnational Meeting in Brussels

According to plan all Project Partners from France, Belgium, Slovakia, Germany and the Czech Republic have met from 21-01-2016 to 22-01-2016 to the penultimate transnational Project meeting in Brussels.

The reports from the partners of the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Germany about the second testing of the developed curriculum for the Training of BdC counsellors were the first focus. These results formed the basis for the discussion of the further monitoring and certification process. Each training-participant will implement 3 BdCs in the next 5 months and is thereby actively supported by the trainer. He checks, whether the participant has understood the nature and is able to use it. With the help of the existing results, it will be decided on the national level, whether the FECBOP can apply for a certification.

The necessary considerations and provisions for the publication of the curriculum were another focus at the meeting. For this purpose, the partners agreed on a uniform structure and the use of uniform templates (in the presentation of the modules and its components) and terms. These conditions will be created in the next few weeks, so afterwards the Partners are able to finalise „their parts“ of the curriculum. The aim is the availability of the English version of the curriculum in the middle of May.

After that, Paolo Serreri and Emanuela Proietti from the Italian Partner Uni Roma 3 presented the work status regarding Output 3 – the classification of the training into the European Qualifications Framework (EQF). For that, they explained the nature and the role of the EQF and its 8 levels as well as the connections to the National Qualifications Framework in each country and to the ECVET. Thereby they particularly pointed out the important role of the learning results (presented as knowledge, abilities and competences).

The further steps are now that a classification for the purpose of training in the EQF by/at the University Roma 3 should be requested using the final release of the curriculum.


Project team CompCert
Bildungsinstitut PSCHERER gGmbH
Dr. Regina Hentschel
Reichenbacher Str.
08485 Lengenfeld
Tel.: +49 37606-390
E-Mail: kompetenz(at)

Source: Bildungsinstitut PSCHERER gGmbH Editor Countries / organization: Belgium France Slovakia Czech Republic Topic: Vocational Education and Training Skilled Personnel


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