NewsTU Berlin Summer University: A space for international exchange

TU Berlin Summer University: A space for international exchange

Registration for 2016 open now

The TU Berlin Summer University's debut program in summer 2015 was a triumph, seeing participants from over 20 different countries take part in a variety of academic courses, in a truly international setting. Students gained rich insights into campus life at the TU Berlin (the Berlin Institute of Technology) and, of course, the German capital city Berlin.

Following the success of 2015, the TU Berlin Summer University is getting ready to deliver an even bigger portfolio in 2016, with 15 academic courses on offer, traversing the spectrum of TU Berlin's academic faculties and beyond. With topics ranging from energy efficiency and 3D-printing, right through to architecture projects with refugees, an insight into the Berlin Startup scene and a course on social media, the TU Berlin Summer University's courses are in tune with the important themes of today. Practical work in small groups makes up the backbone of many courses, such as the satellite construction course "CanSat". This course culminates in an exciting rocket launch, enabling students to take measurements from the satellites they design and build. Thus the TU Berlin Summer University provides a perfect option for students who want to broaden their academic skills during the holidays. Furthermore, workshops and team-building activities will ensure that participants gather experiences beyond the limits of their course-disciplines. In addition, the diverse cultural program will encourage participants to get to know the city of Berlin, and to interact with other students outside the classroom.

By running the TU Berlin Summer University, the TU Berlin hopes to enhance its international profile, improve its worldwide visibility, and achieve a space where graduates and students from all over the world can meet and intermix. Professor Dr. Angela Ittel, Vice President for International Relations and Teacher Education, said of the scheme: "The TU Berlin Summer University offers a community to experience international exchange to all members of TU Berlin, as it welcomes local students into the program. The enterprise thus provides an important contribution to the TU Berlin's ‘internationalization@home’ campaign, which is a central pillar of our internationalization strategy."

The TU Berlin is particularly excited about further developing its partnership with the University of California, which has added the TU Berlin Summer University program to its own "Study Abroad Options", as of 2016. A further exciting cooperation has developed with the University of Florida, whose own professors and students will come from Florida to Berlin to teach, and take part in, a course as part of the 2016 program. Further worldwide cooperation in this direction is expected in the future.

The TU Berlin Summer University will take place every summer from now on, and, in addition, hopes to offer more multi-week courses in winter and early summer as of 2017.


Registration for the TU Berlin Sumer University 2016 is now open online. Participants who register before the 29th of February 2016 will receive an early-bird discount of € 50 per course.


Anne Drope and Team
TU Berlin Summer University
Phone: +49 (0)30 44720211
Email: summeruniversity(at) 

Source: TU Berlin / IDW Nachrichten Editor by Tim Mörsch, VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH Countries / organization: Global Topic: Higher Education


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