NewsUniversity of Konstanz starts two projects for more open access

University of Konstanz starts two projects for more open access

The University of Konstanz advocates for more open access to scientific information in two new projects - funded by the Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).

There are many facets to open access (OA), the free and unrestricted access to scientific information on the internet. The two new projects launched by the Communication, Information, Media Centre (KIM) at the University of Konstanz are funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and mainly focus on the subject-specific promotion of open access.

One project in cooperation with the Open Library of Humanities (OHL-DE) aims at promoting that German humanities journals change over to an open access model. The Open Library of Humanities (OLH) is a non-profit open-access publisher for the humanities and social sciences, founded by academics in Great Britain. The special feature is the financing concept: A consortium of more than 230 libraries worldwide finances the journals, among them the University of Konstanz and US-American universities such as Harvard, Princeton and Yale. For authors and readers, this model is free of charge. The OLH-model is an innovative, high-quality and sustainable way to more open access.

The second project aims at expanding the internet platform ‘’ via OA-workshops and the provision of OA-materials. It will be funded for two years. is the most prominent and renowned resource for open-access information on the German-language internet. It was developed by the University of Konstanz in coordination with, among others, the University of Göttingen, which will be responsible for the technical support of the new project. The platform has been continuously expanded since its foundation and will be supported by the University of Kiel in the new project.

An important goal is to attract researchers who act as multipliers for the spread of open access. To motivate them, a special gamification method is being developed at the University of Kiel.


  • University of Konstanz project: Promotion of German humanities journals changing over to an open access model in cooperation with the Open Library of Humanities (OHL-DE)
  • Cooperation project: Includes subject-specific workshops and the provision of OA materials
  • Project partners: University of Konstanz with its Communication, Information, Media Centre (KIM, project lead); Göttingen State and University Library (SUB Göttingen); Christian Albrecht University of Kiel (CAU)
  • Funding period: 2018 to 2020
  • BMBF funding amounting to 600,000 euros for both projects.
Source: University of Konstanz / IDW News Editor Countries / organization: Germany Topic: Funding Higher Education Information and Communications Humanities and Social Sciences


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