NewsWorld Health Summit 2013 carries forward central topics of the 66h World Health Assembly

World Health Summit 2013 carries forward central topics of the 66h World Health Assembly

The 66th World Health Assembly concluded with an agreement on recommendations and decisions to sustainably improve health worldwide. The World Health Summit, being held in Berlin during October 2013 for the fifth time, already features central aspects of these in its program and will thus continue the discussion. The focus will be on research for Universal Health Coverage, the post Millennium Development Goals and the call for international cooperation on all levels.

    Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) kill more than 36 million people each year as reported by the World Health Organization (WHO). The timeframe for the Millennium Development Goals will end in 2015 and has to be defined anew for the coming years. Economic crisis and austerity have caused immense challenges for health-systems. Realizing global health coverage for all is still a distant challenge. It is due time to discuss these issues and work on sustainable solutions at both academic and political levels.

    The following pivotal topics will be discussed in-depth when about 1,000 high-ranking participants from academia, politics, the private sector and civil society gather in October 2013 in Berlin for the 5th World Health Summit:

    • Universal Health Coverage: Role of Research and Private Sector
    • Evidence to Policy
    • Millennium Development Goals: Post 2015
    • eHealth: Big Data / Social Media and Global Health

    A lasting improvement of health worldwide can only be achieved if representatives from all health-related areas work together. Academia must take responsibility and offer reliable advice to politics and civil society. The World Health Summit accepts these duties and brings together international representatives from all involved sectors to work on innovative solutions.

    The World Health Summit 2013 will take place under the high patronage of Chancellor Angela Merkel, President François Hollande, and President of the European Commission José Manuel Barroso, from October 20 – 22, at the Federal Foreign Office in Berlin.

    Press Contact:

    Tobias Gerber
    Phone: +49 30 450 572 114
    E-Mail: tobias.gerber(at)

    Source: IDW / World Health Summit Editor Countries / organization: Global Topic: Life Sciences Strategic Issues and Framework


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