

Here you will find current news on international activities of German actors in the fields of education, research and innovation.

Engage for sustainability – APPLY NOW for the international “Green Talents” competition 2011

How can green growth for all be achieved? What can be done to implement sustainability strategies into society? Young scientists from all over the world who are seeking solutions to these and other pressing questions related to sustainability…

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First GAF-trained Mines Inspectors start work in Afghanistan

After 2 years of training on mines and mining technology nineteen Mines Inspectors have passed their written and oral exams successfully and were awarded certificates in Mine Inspection by the Minister of Mines and the GAF team. The award of the…

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Helmholtz (Germany) and the NREL (USA) agree to collaborate on solar energy research

The Helmholtz Association and the US National Renewable Energy Laboratory signed an agreement on 23.06. to work together more closely in order to close gaps in solar energy research and accelerate the development of new technologies. The agreement…

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Data, Discourse, Dispute: Scientific Experts and the Public in the U.S. and Germany

Scientists around the globe are being asked to provide guidance on issues of national and international importance. The public and politicians are clamoring for answers to questions concerning climate change, the safety of nuclear energy,…

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How is the Arctic Ocean changing? – RV Polarstern launches expedition to Arctic Ocean

On Wednesday, 15 June, the research vessel Polarstern of the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research in the Helmholtz Association has set off on its 26th arctic expedition. Over 130 scientists from research institutions in six…

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IAMO Forum 2011: Outlook on the BRIC’s Economy

Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Central and Eastern Europe (IAMO) hosts IAMO Forum 2011 from 23-24 June 2011 | Focus: Economic developments in Brazil, Russia, India, China and their repercussions on the world economy

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GAF starts Service Production in Bolivia for World Bank under the eoworld initiative from ESA

GAF AG, an internationally active geo-information technology and consulting company, announces that it has been awarded by World Bank (WB) and European Space Agency (ESA) with Service Production in Bolivia. In the framework of, which is a partnership…

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Asian and European Experts Join Hands to Address Solid Waste Burden in Asia - Panel discussion and site visit on 8-9th June 2011 in Delhi

Asian and European experts collaborate closely in the EU funded project ISSOWAMA to address Solid Waste Burden in Asia. During its final conference and a site visit on 8-9th June in Delhi guidelines for a more effective and sustainable waste…

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Internet-of-Things: a simple concept – numerous challenges

Connecting everyday objects to the internet can be reality soon. The partners of the European FP7 Research Project IoT-A (Internet of Things - Architecture) create an architecture reference model allowing all objects to connect to the Internet,…

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