Here you will find current news on international activities of German actors in the fields of education, research and innovation.
Dr. Thomas Udem has been named as 2010 Fellow of the American Physical Society (APS)
Being nominated by the Topical Group “Precision Measurement & Fundamental Constants” of the American Physical Society, Dr. Thomas Udem, a scientist in the Laser Spectroscopy Division at the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics, Garching (near…
Chinese Award for Eduard Arzt
The Institute of Metal Research of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) honors INM Scientific Director Eduard Arzt with the Lee Hsun Lecture Award.
Science for Sustainable Societal Transformations: Towards Effective Governance
The German Center for Research and Innovation (GCRI), in cooperation with the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS), will host a discussion on “Science for Sustainable Societal Transformations: Towards Effective Governance” on Monday,…
Federal Development Minister Niebel to be patron of worldwide online climate conference 2011
Germany’s Federal Development Minister Dirk Niebel patron of CLIMATE 2011 / 2011 conference to focus on “Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management” / Global call for papers.
EBS Business School Named Member of the Graduate Management Admission Council
The Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC), the international nonprofit association of business schools that owns the GMAT exam, has selected EBS Business School as a member institution. EBS Business School is one of 17 schools from around the…
Discovering the Invisible Frontier: Nanovation New York
From sunscreens to cell phones and cars, nanotechnology and its innovative applications are having an increasingly significant impact on our daily lives. On April 13, 2011, at the German Center for Research and Innovation, German and U.S. experts…
HPI Research School offers new scholarships for ten young academics
The Hasso Plattner Institute (HPI) admits ten new junior researchers to its international “Research School”. Starting in the upcoming winter term they can join the Potsdam-based graduate school, a team of around 30 altogether. Suitable candidates who…
The FUGE and NANOMAT programmes evaluated: Genomics and nanotechnology programmes score high
The Research Council’s Large-scale Programmes Functional Genomics (FUGE) and Nanotechnology and New Materials (NANOMAT) are a success, according to the recently-concluded external evaluations of the two programmes.
In the works: New research contract for the public sector
The Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research is working to draw up a new standard contract for use in research and other fact-finding projects commissioned by the public sector. A draft version is now being circulated for review, and the final…