

Here you will find current news on international activities of German actors in the fields of education, research and innovation.

Strategically planning internationalisation: New indicator portal for universities

A reliable database is key to successfully developing the internationality of a university. The new indicator portal “HSI Monitor – Profile Data on the Internationality of Universities” enables universities in Germany to access a multitude of…

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Kilimanjaro in the midst of global change: new University of Bayreuth research project

To analyse the interactions between man and nature in the area around Mount Kilimanjaro, and to understand them as part of a comprehensive social-ecological system, that is the goal of the new "Kili-SES” research network. A botanical sub-project of…

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Humboldt Foundation: New Scouting programme to bring sought-after scientists to Germany

With the new Henriette Herz Scouting Programme, the Humboldt Foundation will make it possible to directly recruit individuals for its fellowship programme.

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New Alexander von Humboldt Professors selected

Five researchers from abroad have been selected to receive Germany’s most valuable international research award in 2021 and make the move to Cologne, Dresden, Leipzig, Potsdam and Tübingen.

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Seibold Prize 2020 Goes to Four Researchers from Germany and Japan

This year the German Research Foundation is to honour four researchers – two women and two men – with the Eugen and Ilse Seibold Prize. The Seibold Prize will be awarded for the final time in 2020, since the fund established by Eugen and Ilse Seibold…

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Project between Germany and Rwanda: Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy supports pilot project for the promotion of scientific start-ups

With the "StArfrica - Startup Germany-Africa" project, the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) is for the first time promoting the idea of a foundation-related continental bridge between Germany and Africa. The aim of the four-year…

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Potential analysis, biogas lab and pyrolysis cooker: German Biomass Research Centre starts foreign procject in Togo

In a project financed by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and running until the end of 2023, scientists of the German Biomass Research Centre (DBFZ) are investigating the potential of residual and waste materials in West…

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Exchange of knowledge with Africa: New Africa Centre for Transregional Studies launched

On the 4th of May the new University of Freiburg institution for interdisciplinary research with African scientists, the Africa Centre for Transregional Studies (ACT), launched. Due to the corona pandemic the ceremony was held virtually.

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Copernicus Award 2020 for Outstanding German-Polish Collaboration in Cryptography

German Research Foundation (DFG) and Foundation of Polish Science (FNP) honour researchers from Darmstadt and Warsaw.

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