

Here you will find current news on international activities of German actors in the fields of education, research and innovation.

What the Fly’s Visual System Tells Us About Visually-Guided Behavior

Researchers are trying to unlock the complexities of the human brain, with its billions of neurons, by studying a brain on a much smaller scale – that of a fly. By comparison, a fly brain, with its roughly 100,000 nerve cells, is a manageable system…

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European Cluster Collaboration Platform

The European Cluster Collaboration Platform (ECCP) started the 1st February 2011.

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Science News from the German Southwest: Baden-Württemberg at the AAAS Annual Meeting 2011.

Baden-Württemberg, the German Southwest, is one of the most innovative regions in Europe, particularly dedicated to science and education. A share of 4.4 % of the State’s GDP is invested in research and development – more than in most countries all…

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RWTH Aachen University and Forschungszentrum Juelich (JARA) support the next generation of scientists with the „Young Researchers Transatlantic Academy” in Pennsylvania

Supporting young scientists from the US and Germany is the focus of a new initiative launched by RWTH Aachen University, Forschungszentrum Juelich and the University of Pennsylvania. Between June 12-16, 2011, the University of Pennsylvania School of…

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Two of the UK’s most important growth industries received a boost as Skills Minister John Hayes announced a new National Skills Academy (NSA) for Composites and Biotechnology.

The Academy, which will form part of the National Skills Academy for Process Industries, will receive up to £1.98m of funding over 3 years, matched by employers. It will work with employers, the Life Sciences Advisory Council, the National Composites…

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TOSCA Project Final Conference, 23rd - 25th February 2011, Leipzig, Germany

The TOSCA Project (Technology Options and Strategies towards Climate friendly transport; funded by EC-FP7) identifies promising technology and fuel pathways to reduce transportation-related greenhouse gas emissions through midcentury. In the…

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Excerpts from the Report of the Federal Government on Research and Innovation 2010 Available in English Now

Abstract of the report and Part II D "International Co-operation in Research and Innovation translated into English

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Africa and Europe join forces in Training on Free Technology

More networking of African IT specialists with Europe and joint building of advanced training materials – this is what a new partnership of GIZ’s ict@innovation programme with the Europe-wide ‘Free Technology Academy’ (FTA) is all about.

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German universities and research institutions at the 15th European Career Fair

Over 35 German universities, research institutions and funding agencies will come together to present themselves at the upcoming European Career Fair in Boston.

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