

Here you will find current news on international activities of German actors in the fields of education, research and innovation.

Humboldt Foundation attracts 7 million EUR in EU funding

Fellowship pogramme sponsored by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) is co-financed by the EU

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Open Innovation - a fad or a phenomenon?

UC Berkeley and Fraunhofer study how large companies practice innovation

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The Many Faces of Big Data

Big Data provides tremendous opportunities, while also raising practical, legal, and ethical challenges. On June 27, 2013, Juliana Freire, Raghu Ramakrishnan, and Gerhard Weikum discussed the complex Big Data construct.

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Germany, Russia and the EU: Young scientists discuss the horizons of science from European comparative perspectives

Within the “3rd German-Russian Young Researchers Forum” young researchers from both countries as well as representatives of prestigious science and research organisations convene from 21st to 25th July 2013. 35 highly qualified young researchers will…

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Cooperation for environment-friendly seed treatment in India

In this German-Indian cooperation, Fraunhofer FEP and the University of Bangalore are aiming to adapt the chemicals-free German treatment technology for seeds to Indian conditions.

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From University Innovation to the Marketplace

A discussion on university-industry collaboration, fostering and commercializing innovation in Germany and the U.S. with Dietmar Harhoff and Orin Herskowitz

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Fraunhofer IST is building collaboration with British university

Sheffield Hallam University in the UK is appointing Prof. Dr. Günter Bräuer, Director and Prof. Wolfgang Diehl, Deputy Director of the Fraunhofer Institute for Surface Engineering and Thin Films IST in Braunschweig as visiting professors to the…

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Commitment with Orient: Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research Cooperation in Saudi Arabia

MPI-P in Mainz cooperates with scientific center in Saudi Arabia on fundamental research in key technologies

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Humboldt-Laureate Prof. Capasso as Guest Scientist at the MPQ

In July 2013, the physicist Federico Capasso will join the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics (MPQ - Garching, Germany) as a guest scientist in the Spectroscopy Division, lead by Prof. Hänsch.

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