

Here you will find current news on international activities of German actors in the fields of education, research and innovation.

German and Polish accreditation bodies sign Letter of Intent

With this step, the accreditation agency "Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation FIBAA)" and the federal Polish accreditation commission ("Polish Accreditation Committee PKA)" have emphasised their intention to cooperate…

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FIBAA and YÖDAK sign Memorandum of Understanding to cooperate in Higher Education

FIBAA - Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation and the federal North Cypriot Accreditation Council "Higher Education Planning, Evaluation, Accreditation and Coordination Council" (YÖDAK) acknowledged their mutual interest…

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German Research Foundation published Funding Atlas 2012

The German Research Foundation published in may 2013 the English edition of the Funding Atlas 2012 (formerly referred to as the “Funding Ranking”). The report presents selected findings from the comprehensive German edition. At the core of the report…

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Connecting Australian-European Science and Innovation Excellence (CAESIE)

Connecting Australian-European Science and Innovation Excellence (CAESIE) – a new project for driving collaboration between Australian and European researchers and small-to-medium enterprises (SMEs) is launched.

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Reminder: Green Talents wanted - Are you willing to take up the challenge of making the world more sustainable?

Time is running out, 09 June is nearing, and the opportunity to apply for the Green Talents Competition of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is closing soon. So take your chance and apply now on

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German Cutting Edge Technology at the IATI-BioMed 2013

Tel Aviv – Medical technology and life sciences are becoming more and more important and are increasingly overlapping with information and engineering technology. This is true also for Germany which is one of the worldwide leading producers of high…

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Sports-related Head Injuries Can Affect Memory

For months, sports-related brain injuries have made headlines in Germany and the U.S. In particular, a joint study conducted by researchers from Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München and Harvard University that revealed possible long-term…

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Results of the “Global Research Council” in Berlin Announced

Heads of 70 research funding organisations from around the world met on 27– 29 May 2013 in Berlin / Endorsed statements concerning “Open Access” and “Research Integrity”

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World Health Summit 2013 carries forward central topics of the 66h World Health Assembly

The 66th World Health Assembly concluded with an agreement on recommendations and decisions to sustainably improve health worldwide. The World Health Summit, being held in Berlin during October 2013 for the fifth time, already features central…

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