

Here you will find current news on international activities of German actors in the fields of education, research and innovation.

India Center for Würzburg

A Center for Indian Studies is being set up at the University of Würzburg. The Federal Ministry of Research and Education is backing the venture with EUR 460,000.

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The EU-project „The South Baltic WebLab“ aims at attracting school students for marine science

Last week, scientists from six marine research institutions from five European countries met for a convention at the Leibniz-Institute for Baltic Sea Research in Warnemuende, Germany, in order to define the content of a new eLearning concept for…

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The Max Planck Society now has a company page in Facebook - in German and English.

The target group: young international junior scientists. They frequent the largest and fastest growing social network and are interesting for the MPG as "High Potentials". In order to reach applicants and to draw attention to ourselves, we publish…

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Spain hands over EU Presidency reins to Belgium

According to the Spanish government, it has succeeded in introducing, carrying out and achieving the objectives of its political agenda during its six-month term as the head of the Council of the European Union. Belgium, which will lead the Council…

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7th BMBF Forum for Sustainability “Research for Sustainable Development - International”

The 7th annual BMBF Forum for Sustainability will take place 2 - 4 November 2010 at the conference and convention center axica in Berlin. This year’s theme will be “Research for Sustainable Development – International”. The Federal Minister for…

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Energy co-operation between China and the Nordic countries takes off

Sustainable energy and climate solutions were on the packed agenda on Friday (June-25-2010) when the Nordic ministers met representatives from China during the World EXPO in Shanghai. The focus was on opportunities for co-operation and continued…

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UNESCO: Publication of the World Social Science Report

The social sciences, which were dominated by western universities for a long time, are gaining ground in Asia and in Latin America, according to a report by the International Social Sciences Council (ISSC), published jointly with UNESCO. Entitled…

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5th Inter-Ministerial-Meeting (IMM) between RISTEK and BMBF in Berlin, Germany on June 07th and 08th, 2010

“More than 30 years of S&T between Germany and Indonesia” The agreement was signed in 1979 and more than 30 years later the international bilateral cooperation is still strongly linked. One such recent example is the cooperation on the Tsunami Early…

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New funding measure on Sustainable Climate and Environment Technologies strengthens research cooperation with emerging nations

The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) supports the development of research cooperation with emerging nations, especially the so called BRICS-States and Vietnam, by the use of a new funding measure. Within the scope of the…

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