Here you will find current news on international activities of German actors in the fields of education, research and innovation.
Helmholtz Association: International jury selects 19 leaders for Helmholtz Young Investigators Groups
The Helmholtz Association is once again helping scientists to set up their own Young Investigators Groups. Sixty-six researchers from around the world submitted applications in the latest funding round, which is the eleventh that the Helmholtz has…
German Police University hosts the European Police Research and Science Conference
Following Oslo (2010), Madrid (2011) and Lyon (2012), the “European Research and Science Conference” held annually since 2003 by the European Police Academy (CEPOL) will be convened at German Police University (DHPol) in Münster-Hiltrup from 11 – 13…
Broschure: Germany – Partner for Medical Technology
For a lot of developments and techniques, as well as for numerous methods of diagnosis and treatment, medical technology is decisive. With an international market share of 14.6 percent, Germany’s medical technology sector ranks second after the US…
"Innovation through Interaction" - Expert Interview
The Graduate School of Information Science in Health (GSISH) is campaigning for a new type of scientist, a cross between Medicine and Information Technology.
Fraunhofer IFAM: Extended range of FRP training courses at the new Plastics Competence Center
The Plastics Competence Center of the Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Technology and Advanced Materials IFAM in Bremen has added two new accredited courses to its training program.
Research Lab at the Hasso Plattner Institute Opens Its Doors to Scientists from All Over the World
Potsdam. Hasso Plattner Institute (HPI) invites scientists from all over the world to apply for use of its state-of-the-art research lab “Future SOC Lab”.
SMErobotics consortium looks for partnerships to broaden demonstration activities
SMErobotics is looking for teams to transfer the initiative's ideas and results into innovative industrial robot workcells for small and medium sized manufacturing.
Leuphana University of Lüneburg emphasizes personalized teaching approach in online education
Piloting course "ThinkTank Ideal City of the 21st Century" a success / More than 2800 participants from 107 countries / Presidential board will significantly invest in further development of Digital School
Belarus’ scientist awarded by International Society of Electrochemistry
An award of the International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE) was presented to a young Belarusian scientist, Alexander Bondarenko, graduate of the Chemical Faculty of the Belarusian State University, for his research in the field of…