The proposed Singaporean-German collaborative research projects must focus on curiosity-driven research related to sustainable chemistry and address research challenges related to environmental sustainability. Typical (but not exclusive) areas of sustainable chemistry include substitution of raw materials, resource-conserving chemistry and sustainable catalysis, sustainable computational / data driven chemistry.
The DFG does not allocate separate funds for this joint initiative. These opportunities follow the general funding guidelines and budget of A*STAR and the DFG. Proposals must succeed on the strengths of their intellectual merit and teams in comparison with other proposals.
In this call, the DFG acts as Lead Agency. The review process follows the DFG proposal processing and review procedures. Each organisation will pursue its own decision-making process. Only if both organisations come to a positive decision, funding can be granted. If granted, each organisation supports the researchers it is responsible for.
The applicants should demonstrate how bringing together researchers based in Singapore and Germany will add value and advance their research. It is expected that each partner substantially contributes to the common project. Projects should be integrated but do not have to be symmetrical.
Proposals are to be submitted to the DFG by 18 June 2025 via the elan portal. Researchers submitting a proposal to the DFG the first time will previously have to register in the elan portal by 11 June 2025. Only Germany-based applicants should be entered as “Applicants” in elan. Singapore-based partners should be entered as “Cooperation Partners”.